{ config, lib, pkgs, inputs, ... }: let cpkg = import ../../customPackages { inherit pkgs; }; zshInitArgs = [ "source ${pkgs.zsh-powerlevel10k}/share/zsh-powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme" "source ${pkgs.zsh-syntax-highlighting}/share/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh" "[[ ! -f ~/.p10k.zsh ]] || source ~/.p10k.zsh" "setopt globstarshort" ]; _z1 = lib.concatMapStrings (x: x + "\n") zshInitArgs; in { programs.zsh.enable = true; programs.zsh.oh-my-zsh.enable = true; programs.zsh.initExtra = builtins.trace _z1 _z1; programs.java.enable = true; programs.java.package = pkgs.temurin-bin-17; programs.zoxide.enable = true; programs.zoxide.enableZshIntegration = true; nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate = (pkg: true); # Home Manager needs a bit of information about you and the paths it should # nixpkg.config.allowUnfree = true; # manage. home.username = "meyer"; home.homeDirectory = "/home/meyer"; services = { flameshot = { enable = true; settings.General.showDesktopNotification = false; settings.General.startupLaunch = false; # settings.Shortcuts.TYPE_IMAGEUPLOADER = ""; # settings.Shortcuts.TYPE_COPY = "Return"; }; }; # This value determines the Home Manager release that your configuration is # compatible with. This helps avoid breakage when a new Home Manager release # introduces backwards incompatible changes. # # You should not change this value, even if you update Home Manager. If you do # want to update the value, then make sure to first check the Home Manager # release notes. home.stateVersion = "23.11"; # Please read the comment before changing. # The home.packages option allows you to install Nix packages into your # environment. home.packages = with pkgs;[ jetbrains.idea-community-bin tailscale clang gnumake jq gradle lazygit protontricks thunderbird vlc jellyfin-web obs-studio tokyo-night-gtk linuxHeaders #NODE nodePackages.nodemon nodePackages.ts-node nodePackages.pnpm nodePackages.prisma prisma-engines nodePackages.live-server #ENDNODE zsh-powerlevel10k zsh-syntax-highlighting hello gh (prismlauncher.override { jdks = [ jdk8 jdk17 jdk19 ]; }) ksshaskpass libsForQt5.kinit fzf #C AND CXX START glib glibc #C AND CXX END #PYTHONSTART (python39.withPackages (ps: with ps;[ evdev xlib ])) # python311Packages.evdev # python311Packages.xlib #PYTHONEND #JAVASTART pkgs.discord #JAVAEND xsel google-chrome bitwarden eslint_d spotify vscodium pulseaudioFull cpkg.vesktop kitty rofi go php nodejs_21 # pkgs.temurin-jre-bin-8 cargo nerdfonts lua btop unzip protonvpn-gui typescript #MASON nodePackages_latest.typescript-language-server #ENDMASON # # You can also create simple shell scripts directly inside your # # configuration. For example, this adds a command 'my-hello' to your # # environment: # (pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "my-hello" '' # echo "Hello, ${config.home.username}!" # '') (pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "git_fetchAll" '' git branch -r | grep -v '\->' | sed "s,\x1B\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z],,g" | while read remote; do git branch --track "''${remote#origin/}" "$remote"; done git fetch --all git pull --all '') (pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "install_eslint" '' set -x cp /home/${config.home.username}/.config/.eslintrc.json . pkgs=("@stylistic/eslint-plugin" "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin") if [[ -z $1 ]]; then echo please specify npm, pnpm, or yarn exit 1 fi for i in "''${pkgs[@]}"; do `$1 i -D $i` done '') ]; # Home Manager is pretty good at managing dotfiles. The primary way to manage # plain files is through 'home.file'. home.file = { kitty = { recursive = true; source = ../../dotfiles/kitty; target = "./.config/kitty"; }; eslint_d_config = { source = ../../dotfiles/eslintrc.json; target = "./.config/.eslintrc.json"; }; gh = { recursive = true; source = config.lib.file.mkOutOfStoreSymlink "${config.home.homeDirectory}/nixos/dotfiles/gh"; target = "./.config/gh"; }; btop = { recursive = true; source = ../../dotfiles/btop; target = "./.config/btop"; }; nvim = { recursive = true; source = config.lib.file.mkOutOfStoreSymlink "${config.home.homeDirectory}/nixos/dotfiles/nvim"; target = "./.config/nvim"; }; # "testconfigfile".source = ../../dotfiles/testconfigfile; # ".gitconfig".source = ../../dotfiles/.gitconfig; # # Building this configuration will create a copy of 'dotfiles/screenrc' in # # the Nix store. Activating the configuration will then make '~/.screenrc' a # # symlink to the Nix store copy. # ".screenrc".source = dotfiles/screenrc; # # You can also set the file content immediately. # ".gradle/gradle.properties".text = '' # org.gradle.console=verbose # org.gradle.daemon.idletimeout=3600000 # ''; }; # Home Manager can also manage your environment variables through # 'home.sessionVariables'. If you don't want to manage your shell through Home # Manager then you have to manually source 'hm-session-vars.sh' located at # either # # ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/hm-session-vars.sh # # or # # ~/.local/state/nix/profiles/profile/etc/profile.d/hm-session-vars.sh # # or # # /etc/profiles/per-user/meyer/etc/profile.d/hm-session-vars.sh # home.shellAliases = { paste = "xsel -ob"; lg = "lazygit"; copy = "xsel -ib"; b = "/home/${config.home.username}/nixos/build"; }; home.sessionPath = [ "$HOME/.local/bin" ]; home.sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "nvim"; MANPAGER = "nvim +Man!"; MANWIDTH = "999"; SSH_ASKPASS_REQUIRE = "prefer"; PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY = "${pkgs.prisma-engines}/bin/query-engine"; PRISMA_SCHEMA_ENGINE_BINARY = "${pkgs.prisma-engines}/bin/schema-engine"; PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_LIBRARY = "${pkgs.prisma-engines}/lib/libquery_engine.node"; }; # Let Home Manager install and manage itself. programs.home-manager.enable = true; }