require("clangd_extensions").setup({ inlay_hints = { inline = vim.fn.has("nvim-0.10") == 1, -- Options other than `highlight' and `priority' only work -- if `inline' is disabled -- Only show inlay hints for the current line only_current_line = false, -- Event which triggers a refresh of the inlay hints. -- You can make this { "CursorMoved" } or { "CursorMoved,CursorMovedI" } but -- not that this may cause higher CPU usage. -- This option is only respected when only_current_line and -- autoSetHints both are true. only_current_line_autocmd = { "CursorHold" }, -- whether to show parameter hints with the inlay hints or not show_parameter_hints = true, -- prefix for parameter hints parameter_hints_prefix = "<- ", -- prefix for all the other hints (type, chaining) other_hints_prefix = "=> ", -- whether to align to the length of the longest line in the file max_len_align = false, -- padding from the left if max_len_align is true max_len_align_padding = 1, -- whether to align to the extreme right or not right_align = false, -- padding from the right if right_align is true right_align_padding = 7, -- The color of the hints highlight = "Comment", -- The highlight group priority for extmark priority = 100, }, ast = { -- These are unicode, should be available in any font role_icons = { type = "🄣", declaration = "🄓", expression = "🄔", statement = ";", specifier = "🄱", ["template argument"] = "🆃", }, kind_icons = { Compound = "đŸ„Č", Recovery = "🅁", TranslationUnit = "🅄", PackExpansion = "🄿", TemplateTypeParm = "🅃", TemplateTemplateParm = "🅃", TemplateParamObject = "🅃", }, --[[ These require codicons ( role_icons = { type = "î­Ł", declaration = "îȘŒ", expression = "", specifier = "", statement = "îȘ†", ["template argument"] = "îȘ’", }, kind_icons = { Compound = "îȘ‹", Recovery = "îȘ‡", TranslationUnit = "î«©", PackExpansion = "î©Œ", TemplateTypeParm = "îȘ’", TemplateTemplateParm = "îȘ’", TemplateParamObject = "îȘ’", }, ]] highlights = { detail = "Comment", }, }, memory_usage = { border = "none", }, symbol_info = { border = "none", }, })