require("tabout").setup({ tabkey = "", -- key to trigger tabout, set to an empty string to disable backwards_tabkey = "", -- key to trigger backwards tabout, set to an empty string to disable act_as_tab = false, -- shift content if tab out is not possible act_as_shift_tab = false, -- reverse shift content if tab out is not possible (if your keyboard/terminal supports ) default_tab = "", -- shift default action (only at the beginning of a line, otherwise is used) default_shift_tab = "", -- reverse shift default action, enable_backwards = false, -- well ... completion = true, -- if the tabkey is used in a completion pum tabouts = { { open = "'", close = "'" }, { open = '"', close = '"' }, { open = "`", close = "`" }, { open = "(", close = ")" }, { open = "[", close = "]" }, { open = "{", close = "}" }, { open = "{", close = "}" }, { open = "<", close = ">" } }, ignore_beginning = true, --[[ if the cursor is at the beginning of a filled element it will rather tab out than shift the content ]] exclude = {}, -- tabout will ignore these filetypes })