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synced 2025-02-26 10:08:52 -05:00
301 lines
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301 lines
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* Vencord, a Discord client mod
* Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import { ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams, execFileSync, spawn } from "child_process";
import { IpcMainInvokeEvent } from "electron";
import * as fs from "fs";
import os from "os";
import path from "path";
type Format = "video" | "audio" | "gif";
type DownloadOptions = {
url: string;
format?: Format;
gifQuality?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;
ytdlpArgs?: string[];
ffmpegArgs?: string[];
maxFileSize?: number;
let workdir: string | null = null;
let stdout_global: string = "";
let logs_global: string = "";
let ytdlpAvailable = false;
let ffmpegAvailable = false;
let ytdlpProcess: ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams | null = null;
let ffmpegProcess: ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams | null = null;
const getdir = () => workdir ?? process.cwd();
const p = (file: string) => path.join(getdir(), file);
const cleanVideoFiles = () => {
if (!workdir) return;
.filter(f => f.startsWith("download.") || f.startsWith("remux."))
.forEach(f => fs.unlinkSync(p(f)));
const appendOut = (data: string) => ( // Makes carriage return (\r) work
(stdout_global += data), (stdout_global = stdout_global.replace(/^.*\r([^\n])/gm, "$1")));
const log = (...data: string[]) => (console.log(`[Plugin:MediaDownloader] ${data.join(" ")}`), logs_global += `[Plugin:MediaDownloader] ${data.join(" ")}\n`);
const error = (...data: string[]) => console.error(`[Plugin:MediaDownloader] [ERROR] ${data.join(" ")}`);
function ytdlp(args: string[]): Promise<string> {
log(`Executing yt-dlp with args: ["${args.map(a => a.replace('"', '\\"')).join('", "')}"]`);
let errorMsg = "";
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
ytdlpProcess = spawn("yt-dlp", args, {
cwd: getdir(),
ytdlpProcess.stdout.on("data", data => appendOut(data));
ytdlpProcess.stderr.on("data", data => {
error(`yt-dlp encountered an error: ${data}`);
errorMsg += data;
ytdlpProcess.on("exit", code => {
ytdlpProcess = null;
code === 0 ? resolve(stdout_global) : reject(new Error(errorMsg || `yt-dlp exited with code ${code}`));
function ffmpeg(args: string[]): Promise<string> {
log(`Executing ffmpeg with args: ["${args.map(a => a.replace('"', '\\"')).join('", "')}"]`);
let errorMsg = "";
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
ffmpegProcess = spawn("ffmpeg", args, {
cwd: getdir(),
ffmpegProcess.stdout.on("data", data => appendOut(data));
ffmpegProcess.stderr.on("data", data => {
error(`ffmpeg encountered an error: ${data}`);
errorMsg += data;
ffmpegProcess.on("exit", code => {
ffmpegProcess = null;
code === 0 ? resolve(stdout_global) : reject(new Error(errorMsg || `ffmpeg exited with code ${code}`));
export async function start(_: IpcMainInvokeEvent, _workdir: string | undefined) {
_workdir ||= fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), "vencord_mediaDownloader_"));
if (!fs.existsSync(_workdir)) fs.mkdirSync(_workdir, { recursive: true });
workdir = _workdir;
log("Using workdir: ", workdir);
return workdir;
export async function stop(_: IpcMainInvokeEvent) {
if (workdir) {
log("Cleaning up workdir");
fs.rmSync(workdir, { recursive: true });
workdir = null;
async function metadata(options: DownloadOptions) {
stdout_global = "";
const metadata = JSON.parse(await ytdlp(["-J", options.url, "--no-warnings"]));
if (metadata.is_live) throw "Live streams are not supported.";
stdout_global = "";
return { videoTitle: `${metadata.title || "video"} (${metadata.id})` };
function genFormat({ videoTitle }: { videoTitle: string; }, { maxFileSize, format }: DownloadOptions) {
const HAS_LIMIT = !!maxFileSize;
const MAX_VIDEO_SIZE = HAS_LIMIT ? maxFileSize * 0.8 : 0;
const MAX_AUDIO_SIZE = HAS_LIMIT ? maxFileSize * 0.2 : 0;
const audio = {
noFfmpeg: "ba[ext=mp3]{TOT_SIZE}/wa[ext=mp3]{TOT_SIZE}",
ffmpeg: "ba*{TOT_SIZE}/ba{TOT_SIZE}/wa*{TOT_SIZE}/ba*"
const video = {
noFfmpeg: "b{TOT_SIZE}{HEIGHT}[ext=webm]/b{TOT_SIZE}{HEIGHT}[ext=mp4]/w{HEIGHT}{TOT_SIZE}",
ffmpeg: "b*{VID_SIZE}{HEIGHT}+ba{AUD_SIZE}/b{TOT_SIZE}{HEIGHT}/b*{HEIGHT}+ba",
const gif = {
ffmpeg: "bv{TOT_SIZE}/wv{TOT_SIZE}"
let format_group: { noFfmpeg?: string; ffmpeg: string; };
switch (format) {
case "audio":
format_group = audio;
case "gif":
format_group = gif;
case "video":
format_group = video;
const format_string = (ffmpegAvailable ? format_group.ffmpeg : format_group.noFfmpeg)
?.replaceAll("{TOT_SIZE}", HAS_LIMIT ? `[filesize<${maxFileSize}]` : "")
.replaceAll("{VID_SIZE}", HAS_LIMIT ? `[filesize<${MAX_VIDEO_SIZE}]` : "")
.replaceAll("{AUD_SIZE}", HAS_LIMIT ? `[filesize<${MAX_AUDIO_SIZE}]` : "")
.replaceAll("{HEIGHT}", "[height<=1080]");
if (!format_string) throw "Gif format is only supported with ffmpeg.";
log("Video formated calculated as ", format_string);
log(`Based on: format=${format}, maxFileSize=${maxFileSize}, ffmpegAvailable=${ffmpegAvailable}`);
return { format: format_string, videoTitle };
async function download({ format, videoTitle }: { format: string; videoTitle: string; }, { ytdlpArgs, url, format: usrFormat }: DownloadOptions) {
const baseArgs = ["-f", format, "-o", "download.%(ext)s", "--force-overwrites", "-I", "1"];
const remuxArgs = ffmpegAvailable
? usrFormat === "video"
? ["--remux-video", "webm>webm/mp4"]
: usrFormat === "audio"
? ["--extract-audio", "--audio-format", "mp3"]
: []
: [];
const customArgs = ytdlpArgs?.filter(Boolean) || [];
await ytdlp([url, ...baseArgs, ...remuxArgs, ...customArgs]);
const file = fs.readdirSync(getdir()).find(f => f.startsWith("download."));
if (!file) throw "No video file was found!";
return { file, videoTitle };
async function remux({ file, videoTitle }: { file: string; videoTitle: string; }, { ffmpegArgs, format, maxFileSize, gifQuality }: DownloadOptions) {
const sourceExtension = file.split(".").pop();
if (!ffmpegAvailable) return log("Skipping remux, ffmpeg is unavailable."), { file, videoTitle, extension: sourceExtension };
// We only really need to remux if
// 1. The file is too big
// 2. The file is in a format not supported by discord
// 3. The user provided custom ffmpeg arguments
// 4. The target format is gif
const acceptableFormats = ["mp3", "mp4", "webm"];
const fileSize = fs.statSync(p(file)).size;
const customArgs = ffmpegArgs?.filter(Boolean) || [];
const isFormatAcceptable = acceptableFormats.includes(sourceExtension ?? "");
const isFileSizeAcceptable = (!maxFileSize || fileSize <= maxFileSize);
const hasCustomArgs = customArgs.length > 0;
const isGif = format === "gif";
if (isFormatAcceptable && isFileSizeAcceptable && !hasCustomArgs && !isGif)
return log("Skipping remux, file type and size are good, and no ffmpeg arguments were specified."), { file, videoTitle, extension: sourceExtension };
const duration = parseFloat(execFileSync("ffprobe", ["-v", "error", "-show_entries", "format=duration", "-of", "default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1", p(file)]).toString());
if (isNaN(duration)) throw "Failed to get video duration.";
// ffmpeg tends to go above the target size, so I'm setting it to 7/8
const targetBits = maxFileSize ? (maxFileSize * 7) / duration : 9999999;
const kilobits = ~~(targetBits / 1024);
let baseArgs: string[];
let ext: string;
switch (format) {
case "audio":
baseArgs = ["-i", p(file), "-b:a", `${kilobits}k`, "-maxrate", `${kilobits}k`, "-bufsize", "1M", "-y"];
ext = "mp3";
case "video":
// Dynamically resize based on target bitrate
const height = kilobits <= 100 ? 480 : kilobits <= 500 ? 720 : 1080;
baseArgs = ["-i", p(file), "-b:v", `${~~(kilobits * 0.8)}k`, "-b:a", `${~~(kilobits * 0.2)}k`, "-maxrate", `${kilobits}k`, "-bufsize", "1M", "-y", "-filter:v", `scale=-1:${height}`];
ext = "mp4";
case "gif":
let fps: number, width: number, colors: number, bayer_scale: number;
// WARNING: these parameters have been arbitrarily chosen, optimization is welcome!
switch (gifQuality) {
case 1:
fps = 5, width = 360, colors = 24, bayer_scale = 5;
case 2:
fps = 10, width = 420, colors = 32, bayer_scale = 5;
case 3:
fps = 15, width = 480, colors = 64, bayer_scale = 4;
case 4:
fps = 20, width = 540, colors = 64, bayer_scale = 3;
case 5:
fps = 30, width = 720, colors = 128, bayer_scale = 1;
baseArgs = ["-i", p(file), "-vf", `fps=${fps},scale=w=${width}:h=-1:flags=lanczos,mpdecimate,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen=max_colors=${colors}[p];[s1][p]paletteuse=dither=bayer:bayer_scale=${bayer_scale}`, "-loop", "0", "-bufsize", "1M", "-y"];
ext = "gif";
await ffmpeg([...baseArgs, ...customArgs, `remux.${ext}`]);
return { file: `remux.${ext}`, videoTitle, extension: ext };
function upload({ file, videoTitle, extension }: { file: string; videoTitle: string; extension: string | undefined; }) {
if (!extension) throw "Invalid extension.";
const buffer = fs.readFileSync(p(file));
return { buffer, title: `${videoTitle}.${extension}` };
export async function execute(
_: IpcMainInvokeEvent,
opt: DownloadOptions
): Promise<{
buffer: Buffer;
title: string;
logs: string;
} | {
error: string;
logs: string;
}> {
logs_global = "";
try {
const videoMetadata = await metadata(opt);
const videoFormat = genFormat(videoMetadata, opt);
const videoDownload = await download(videoFormat, opt);
const videoRemux = await remux(videoDownload, opt);
const videoUpload = upload(videoRemux);
return { logs: logs_global, ...videoUpload };
} catch (e: any) {
return { error: e.toString(), logs: logs_global };
export function checkffmpeg(_?: IpcMainInvokeEvent) {
try {
execFileSync("ffmpeg", ["-version"]);
execFileSync("ffprobe", ["-version"]);
ffmpegAvailable = true;
return true;
} catch (e) {
ffmpegAvailable = false;
return false;
export async function checkytdlp(_?: IpcMainInvokeEvent) {
try {
execFileSync("yt-dlp", ["--version"]);
ytdlpAvailable = true;
return true;
} catch (e) {
ytdlpAvailable = false;
return false;
export async function interrupt(_: IpcMainInvokeEvent) {
export const getStdout = () => stdout_global;
export const isYtdlpAvailable = () => ytdlpAvailable;
export const isFfmpegAvailable = () => ffmpegAvailable;