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synced 2025-03-14 22:20:26 -04:00
customRPC: add validation & some fixes (#1481)
Signed-off-by: V <vendicated@riseup.net>
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 261 additions and 71 deletions
@ -23,21 +23,12 @@ import { isTruthy } from "@utils/guards";
import { useAwaiter } from "@utils/react";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { filters, findByCodeLazy, findByPropsLazy, mapMangledModuleLazy } from "@webpack";
import {
} from "@webpack/common";
import { FluxDispatcher, Forms, GuildStore, React, SelectedChannelStore, SelectedGuildStore, UserStore } from "@webpack/common";
const ActivityComponent = findByCodeLazy("onOpenGameProfile");
const ActivityClassName = findByPropsLazy("activity", "buttonColor");
const Colors = findByPropsLazy("profileColors");
// START yoinked from lastfm.tsx
const assetManager = mapMangledModuleLazy(
"getAssetImage: size must === [number, number] for Twitch",
@ -46,6 +37,7 @@ const assetManager = mapMangledModuleLazy(
async function getApplicationAsset(key: string): Promise<string> {
if (/https?:\/\/(cdn|media)\.discordapp\.(com|net)\/attachments\//.test(key)) return "mp:" + key.replace(/https?:\/\/(cdn|media)\.discordapp\.(com|net)\//, "");
return (await assetManager.getAsset(settings.store.appID, [key, undefined]))[0];
@ -71,66 +63,240 @@ interface Activity {
button_urls?: Array<string>;
type: ActivityType;
url?: string;
flags: number;
const enum ActivityType {
// END
const strOpt = (description: string) => ({
type: OptionType.STRING,
onChange: setRpc
}) as const;
const numOpt = (description: string) => ({
type: OptionType.NUMBER,
onChange: setRpc
}) as const;
const choice = (label: string, value: any, _default?: boolean) => ({
default: _default
}) as const;
const choiceOpt = <T,>(description: string, options: T) => ({
type: OptionType.SELECT,
onChange: setRpc,
}) as const;
const enum TimestampMode {
const settings = definePluginSettings({
appID: strOpt("The ID of the application for the rich presence."),
appName: strOpt("The name of the presence."),
details: strOpt("Line 1 of rich presence."),
state: strOpt("Line 2 of rich presence."),
type: choiceOpt("Type of presence", [
choice("Playing", ActivityType.PLAYING, true),
choice("Listening", ActivityType.LISTENING),
choice("Watching", ActivityType.WATCHING),
choice("Competing", ActivityType.COMPETING)
startTime: numOpt("Unix Timestamp for beginning of activity."),
endTime: numOpt("Unix Timestamp for end of activity."),
imageBig: strOpt("Sets the big image to the specified image."),
imageBigTooltip: strOpt("Sets the tooltip text for the big image."),
imageSmall: strOpt("Sets the small image to the specified image."),
imageSmallTooltip: strOpt("Sets the tooltip text for the small image."),
buttonOneText: strOpt("The text for the first button"),
buttonOneURL: strOpt("The URL for the first button"),
buttonTwoText: strOpt("The text for the second button"),
buttonTwoURL: strOpt("The URL for the second button")
appID: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Application ID (required)",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isValid: (value: string) => {
if (!value) return "Application ID is required.";
if (value && !/^\d+$/.test(value)) return "Application ID must be a number.";
return true;
appName: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Application name (required)",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isValid: (value: string) => {
if (!value) return "Application name is required.";
if (value.length > 128) return "Application name must be not longer than 128 characters.";
return true;
details: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Details (line 1)",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isValid: (value: string) => {
if (value && value.length > 128) return "Details (line 1) must be not longer than 128 characters.";
return true;
state: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "State (line 2)",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isValid: (value: string) => {
if (value && value.length > 128) return "State (line 2) must be not longer than 128 characters.";
return true;
type: {
type: OptionType.SELECT,
description: "Activity type",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
options: [
label: "Playing",
value: ActivityType.PLAYING,
default: true
label: "Streaming",
value: ActivityType.STREAMING
label: "Listening",
value: ActivityType.LISTENING
label: "Watching",
value: ActivityType.WATCHING
label: "Competing",
value: ActivityType.COMPETING
streamLink: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Twitch.tv or Youtube.com link (only for Streaming activity type)",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isDisabled: isStreamLinkDisabled,
isValid: isStreamLinkValid
timestampMode: {
type: OptionType.SELECT,
description: "Timestamp mode",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
options: [
label: "None",
value: TimestampMode.NONE,
default: true
label: "Since discord open",
value: TimestampMode.NOW
label: "Same as your current time",
value: TimestampMode.TIME
label: "Custom",
value: TimestampMode.CUSTOM
startTime: {
type: OptionType.NUMBER,
description: "Start timestamp (only for custom timestamp mode)",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isDisabled: isTimestampDisabled,
isValid: (value: number) => {
if (value && value < 0) return "Start timestamp must be greater than 0.";
return true;
endTime: {
type: OptionType.NUMBER,
description: "End timestamp (only for custom timestamp mode)",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isDisabled: isTimestampDisabled,
isValid: (value: number) => {
if (value && value < 0) return "End timestamp must be greater than 0.";
return true;
imageBig: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Big image key",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isValid: isImageKeyValid
imageBigTooltip: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Big image tooltip",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isValid: (value: string) => {
if (value && value.length > 128) return "Big image tooltip must be not longer than 128 characters.";
return true;
imageSmall: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Small image key",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isValid: isImageKeyValid
imageSmallTooltip: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Small image tooltip",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isValid: (value: string) => {
if (value && value.length > 128) return "Small image tooltip must be not longer than 128 characters.";
return true;
buttonOneText: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Button 1 text",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isValid: (value: string) => {
if (value && value.length > 31) return "Button 1 text must be not longer than 31 characters.";
return true;
buttonOneURL: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Button 1 URL",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc
buttonTwoText: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Button 2 text",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc,
isValid: (value: string) => {
if (value && value.length > 31) return "Button 2 text must be not longer than 31 characters.";
return true;
buttonTwoURL: {
type: OptionType.STRING,
description: "Button 2 URL",
restartNeeded: true,
onChange: setRpc
function isStreamLinkDisabled(): boolean {
return settings.store.type !== ActivityType.STREAMING;
function isStreamLinkValid(): boolean | string {
if (settings.store.type === ActivityType.STREAMING && settings.store.streamLink && !/(https?:\/\/(www\.)?(twitch\.tv|youtube\.com)\/\w+)/.test(settings.store.streamLink)) return "Streaming link must be a valid URL.";
return true;
function isTimestampDisabled(): boolean {
return settings.store.timestampMode !== TimestampMode.CUSTOM;
function isImageKeyValid(value: string) {
if (!/https?:\/\//.test(value)) return true;
if (/https?:\/\/(?!i\.)?imgur\.com\//.test(value)) return "Imgur link must be a direct link to the image. (e.g. https://i.imgur.com/...)";
if (/https?:\/\/(?!media\.)?tenor\.com\//.test(value)) return "Tenor link must be a direct link to the image. (e.g. https://media.tenor.com/...)";
return true;
async function createActivity(): Promise<Activity | undefined> {
const {
@ -138,6 +304,7 @@ async function createActivity(): Promise<Activity | undefined> {
@ -161,6 +328,20 @@ async function createActivity(): Promise<Activity | undefined> {
flags: 1 << 0,
if (type === ActivityType.STREAMING) activity.url = streamLink;
switch (settings.store.timestampMode) {
case TimestampMode.NOW:
activity.timestamps = {
start: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
case TimestampMode.TIME:
activity.timestamps = {
start: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) - (new Date().getHours() * 3600) - (new Date().getMinutes() * 60) - new Date().getSeconds()
case TimestampMode.CUSTOM:
if (startTime) {
activity.timestamps = {
start: startTime,
@ -169,6 +350,11 @@ async function createActivity(): Promise<Activity | undefined> {
activity.timestamps.end = endTime;
case TimestampMode.NONE:
if (buttonOneText) {
activity.buttons = [
@ -187,7 +373,7 @@ async function createActivity(): Promise<Activity | undefined> {
if (imageBig) {
activity.assets = {
large_image: await getApplicationAsset(imageBig),
large_text: imageBigTooltip
large_text: imageBigTooltip || undefined
@ -195,13 +381,13 @@ async function createActivity(): Promise<Activity | undefined> {
activity.assets = {
small_image: await getApplicationAsset(imageSmall),
small_text: imageSmallTooltip
small_text: imageSmallTooltip || undefined
for (const k in activity) {
if (k === "type") continue; // without type, the presence is considered invalid.
if (k === "type") continue;
const v = activity[k];
if (!v || v.length === 0)
delete activity[k];
@ -223,7 +409,7 @@ async function setRpc(disable?: boolean) {
export default definePlugin({
name: "CustomRPC",
description: "Allows you to set a custom rich presence.",
authors: [Devs.captain],
authors: [Devs.captain, Devs.AutumnVN],
start: setRpc,
stop: () => setRpc(true),
@ -232,11 +418,15 @@ export default definePlugin({
const activity = useAwaiter(createActivity);
return (
<Forms.FormTitle tag="h2">NOTE:</Forms.FormTitle>
You will need to <Link href="https://discord.com/developers/applications">create an
application</Link> and
get its ID to use this plugin.
Go to <Link href="https://discord.com/developers/applications">Discord Deverloper Portal</Link> to create an application and
get the application ID.
Upload images in the Rich Presence tab to get the image keys.
If you want to use image link, download your image and reupload the image to <Link href="https://imgur.com">Imgur</Link> and get the image link by right-clicking the image and select "Copy image address".
<Forms.FormDivider />
<div style={{ width: "284px" }} className={Colors.profileColors}>
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