mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 14:10:26 -04:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev' into dev
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 1 additions and 455 deletions
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ export default definePlugin({
}, { noop: true });
Icon({ delta, fill, props }: {
Icon({ delta, fill, props }: {
@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
* Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
* Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import "./style.css";
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import { Flex } from "@components/Flex";
import { Devs, EquicordDevs } from "@utils/constants";
import { getIntlMessage } from "@utils/discord";
import { Margins } from "@utils/margins";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { findByCodeLazy, findLazy } from "@webpack";
import { Card, ChannelStore, Forms, GuildMemberStore, GuildStore, PermissionsBits, Switch, TextInput, Tooltip } from "@webpack/common";
import type { Permissions, RC } from "@webpack/types";
import type { Channel, Guild, Message, User } from "discord-types/general";
interface Tag {
// name used for identifying, must be alphanumeric + underscores
name: string;
// name shown on the tag itself, can be anything probably; automatically uppercase'd
displayName: string;
description: string;
permissions?: Permissions[];
condition?(message: Message | null, user: User, channel: Channel): boolean;
interface TagSetting {
text: string;
showInChat: boolean;
showInNotChat: boolean;
interface TagSettings {
WEBHOOK: TagSetting,
OWNER: TagSetting,
MODERATOR: TagSetting,
[k: string]: TagSetting;
// PermissionStore.computePermissions will not work here since it only gets permissions for the current user
const computePermissions: (options: {
user?: { id: string; } | string | null;
context?: Guild | Channel | null;
overwrites?: Channel["permissionOverwrites"] | null;
checkElevated?: boolean /* = true */;
excludeGuildPermissions?: boolean /* = false */;
}) => bigint = findByCodeLazy(".getCurrentUser()", ".computeLurkerPermissionsAllowList()");
const Tag = findLazy(m => m.Types?.[0] === "BOT") as RC<{ type?: number, className?: string, useRemSizes?: boolean; }> & { Types: Record<string, number>; };
const isWebhook = (message: Message, user: User) => !!message?.webhookId && user.isNonUserBot();
const tags: Tag[] = [
name: "WEBHOOK",
displayName: "Webhook",
description: "Messages sent by webhooks",
condition: isWebhook
}, {
name: "OWNER",
displayName: "Owner",
description: "Owns the server",
condition: (_, user, channel) => GuildStore.getGuild(channel?.guild_id)?.ownerId === user.id
}, {
displayName: "Admin",
description: "Has the administrator permission",
permissions: ["ADMINISTRATOR"]
}, {
displayName: "Staff",
description: "Can manage the server, channels or roles",
}, {
name: "MODERATOR",
displayName: "Mod",
description: "Can manage messages or kick/ban people",
}, {
displayName: "VC Mod",
description: "Can manage voice chats",
}, {
displayName: "Chat Mod",
description: "Can timeout people",
permissions: ["MODERATE_MEMBERS"]
const defaultSettings = Object.fromEntries(
tags.map(({ name, displayName }) => [name, { text: displayName, showInChat: true, showInNotChat: true }])
) as TagSettings;
// From https://gist.github.com/StevenBlack/960189
export function getContrastYIQ(hexColor: string | undefined): "#000" | "#fff" | undefined {
if (!hexColor) return;
const r = parseInt(hexColor.substring(1, 3), 16);
const g = parseInt(hexColor.substring(3, 5), 16);
const b = parseInt(hexColor.substring(5, 7), 16);
const yiq = (r * 299 + g * 587 + b * 114) / 1000;
return yiq >= 128 ? "#000" : "#fff";
function SettingsComponent() {
const tagSettings = settings.store.tagSettings ??= defaultSettings;
return (
<Flex flexDirection="column">
{tags.map(t => (
<Card key={t.name} style={{ padding: "1em 1em 0" }}>
<Forms.FormTitle style={{ width: "fit-content" }}>
<Tooltip text={t.description}>
{({ onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave }) => (
{t.displayName} Tag <Tag type={Tag.Types[t.name]} />
value={tagSettings[t.name]?.text ?? t.displayName}
placeholder={`Text on tag (default: ${t.displayName})`}
onChange={v => tagSettings[t.name].text = v}
value={tagSettings[t.name]?.showInChat ?? true}
onChange={v => tagSettings[t.name].showInChat = v}
Show in messages
value={tagSettings[t.name]?.showInNotChat ?? true}
onChange={v => tagSettings[t.name].showInNotChat = v}
Show in member list and profiles
const settings = definePluginSettings({
dontShowForBots: {
description: "Don't show extra tags for bots (excluding webhooks)",
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN
dontShowBotTag: {
description: "Only show extra tags for bots / Hide [BOT] text",
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN
useRoleColors: {
description: "Use the user's role color instead of the default color",
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN
tagSettings: {
type: OptionType.COMPONENT,
component: SettingsComponent,
description: "fill me"
export default definePlugin({
name: "MoreUserTags",
description: "Adds tags for webhooks and moderative roles (owner, admin, etc.)",
authors: [Devs.Cyn, Devs.TheSun, Devs.RyanCaoDev, Devs.LordElias, Devs.AutumnVN, EquicordDevs.OIRNOIR],
patches: [
// add tags to the tag list
replacement: {
match: /(?=(\i)\[\i\.BOT)/,
replace: "$self.genTagTypes($1);"
replacement: [
// Grab the colors from the params using the custom params
match: /type:\i=\i\.\i\.BOT/,
replace: "$&,moreTags_bgColor:moreTags_bgColor,moreTags_fgColor:moreTags_fgColor"
// make the tag show the right text
match: /(switch\((\i)\){.+?)case (\i(?:\.\i)?)\.BOT:default:(\i)=(.{0,40}#{intl::APP_TAG}\))/,
replace: (_, origSwitch, variant, tags, displayedText, originalText) =>
`${origSwitch}default:{${displayedText} = $self.getTagText(${tags}[${variant}],${originalText})}`
// show OP tags correctly
match: /(\i)=(\i)===\i(?:\.\i)?\.ORIGINAL_POSTER/,
replace: "$1=$self.isOPTag($2)"
// add HTML data attributes (for easier theming)
// also set the colors
match: /.botText,children:(\i)}\)]/,
replace: "$&,'data-tag':$1.toLowerCase(),style:{'background-color':moreTags_bgColor,'color':moreTags_fgColor},'data-moreTags-darkFg':(moreTags_fgColor || '').includes('0')"
// in messages
find: ".Types.ORIGINAL_POSTER",
replacement: [
// Pass the tag's colors and type to the next function
match: /;return\((\(null==\i\?void 0:\i\.isSystemDM\(\).+?.Types.ORIGINAL_POSTER\)),null==(\i)\)\?null:\(0,(\i)\.jsx\)\((\i).(\i),{/,
replace: ";$1;$2=$self.getTag({...arguments[0],origType:$2,location:'chat'});return $2 == null?null:(0,$3.jsx)($4.$5,{...$self.getTagColors({...arguments[0],tagType:$2,location:'chat'}),"
// in the member list
find: "#{intl::GUILD_OWNER}),children:",
replacement: [
// Pass the tag's colors and type to the next function
match: /(?<type>\i)=\(null==.{0,100}\.BOT;return null!=(?<user>\i)&&\i\.bot\?\(0,(?<jsxf>\i)\.jsx\)\((?<module>\i)\.(?<subm>\i),{/,
replace: "$<type> = $self.getTag({user: $<user>, channel: arguments[0].channel, origType: $<user>.bot ? 0 : null, location: 'not-chat' }); return typeof $<type> === 'number'?(0,$<jsxf>.jsx)($<module>.$<subm>,{...$self.getTagColors({...arguments[0],tagType:$<type>,location:'not-chat'}),"
// pass channel id down props to be used in profiles
find: ".hasAvatarForGuild(null==",
replacement: {
match: /(?=usernameIcon:)/,
replace: "moreTags_channelId:arguments[0].channelId,"
find: "#{intl::USER_PROFILE_PRONOUNS}",
replacement: {
match: /(?=,hideBotTag:!0)/,
replace: ",moreTags_channelId:arguments[0].moreTags_channelId"
// in profiles
find: ",overrideDiscriminator:",
group: true,
replacement: [
// prevent channel id from getting ghosted
// it's either this or extremely long lookbehind
match: /user:\i,nick:\i,/,
replace: "$&moreTags_channelId,"
// Get the tag type and tag colors so that they can be distributed
match: /(,\i=\i\.isPomelo\(\)\|\|\i;)(.+?botType:(\i),botVerified:(\i),(?!discriminatorClass:)(?<=user:(\i).+?))/,
replace: "$1let moreTags_tagType=$self.getTag({user:$5,channelId:moreTags_channelId,origType:$3,location:'not-chat'});let moreTags_tagColors=$self.getTagColors({user:$5,channelId:moreTags_channelId,tagType:moreTags_tagType,location:'not-chat'});$2"
match: /,botType:(\i),botVerified:(\i),(?!discriminatorClass:)(?<=user:(\i).+?)/g,
replace: ",botType:moreTags_tagType,...moreTags_tagColors,"
}, {
// Get the parameters from the function that were passed in previously
// because Discord needs to make it hard on us
match: /,botClass:\i,showStreamerModeTooltip:\i/,
replace: "$&,moreTags_bgColor:moreTags_bgColor,moreTags_fgColor:moreTags_fgColor"
}, {
// Finally pass the color information into the renderer
match: /\.jsx\)\(\i\.\i,{type:\i,/,
replace: "$&moreTags_bgColor,moreTags_fgColor,"
// Colors need to be passed down through this random module.
// If there's a way to bypass this module without modifying discord's random variables (We don't want to break stuff) leave a PR (or comment if an existing one is open)
find: ",invertBotTagColor:",
replacement: [
match: /,invertBotTagColor:\i/,
replace: "$&,moreTags_bgColor:moreTags_bgColor,moreTags_fgColor:moreTags_fgColor"
}, {
match: /verified:\i,useRemSizes:\i/,
replace: "$&,moreTags_bgColor,moreTags_fgColor"
start() {
settings.store.tagSettings ??= defaultSettings;
// newly added field might be missing from old users
settings.store.tagSettings.CHAT_MODERATOR ??= {
text: "Chat Mod",
showInChat: true,
showInNotChat: true
getPermissions(user: User, channel: Channel): string[] {
const guild = GuildStore.getGuild(channel?.guild_id);
if (!guild) return [];
const permissions = computePermissions({ user, context: guild, overwrites: channel.permissionOverwrites });
return Object.entries(PermissionsBits)
.map(([perm, permInt]) =>
permissions & permInt ? perm : ""
genTagTypes(obj) {
let i = 100;
tags.forEach(({ name }) => {
obj[name] = ++i;
obj[i] = name;
obj[`${name}-BOT`] = ++i;
obj[i] = `${name}-BOT`;
obj[`${name}-OP`] = ++i;
obj[i] = `${name}-OP`;
isOPTag: (tag: number) => tag === Tag.Types.ORIGINAL_POSTER || tags.some(t => tag === Tag.Types[`${t.name}-OP`]),
getTagText(passedTagName: string, originalText: string) {
try {
const [tagName, variant] = passedTagName.split("-");
if (!passedTagName) return getIntlMessage("APP_TAG");
const tag = tags.find(({ name }) => tagName === name);
if (!tag) return getIntlMessage("APP_TAG");
if (variant === "BOT" && tagName !== "WEBHOOK" && this.settings.store.dontShowForBots) return getIntlMessage("APP_TAG");
const tagText = settings.store.tagSettings?.[tag.name]?.text || tag.displayName;
switch (variant) {
case "OP":
return `${getIntlMessage("BOT_TAG_FORUM_ORIGINAL_POSTER")} • ${tagText}`;
case "BOT":
return `${getIntlMessage("APP_TAG")} • ${tagText}`;
return tagText;
} catch {
return originalText;
user, channelId, channel, location, tagType
}: {
user: User,
channel?: Channel,
channelId?: string;
location: "chat" | "not-chat";
tagType: number;
}): {
moreTags_bgColor: string,
moreTags_fgColor: string;
} {
const passedTagName = Object.keys(Tag.Types).find(k => Tag.Types[k] === tagType);
const [tagName, variant] = passedTagName?.split("-") ?? [null, null];
if (!settings.store.useRoleColors || !tagType || !tagName || (location === "chat" && !settings.store.tagSettings[tagName]?.showInChat) || (location === "not-chat" && !settings.store.tagSettings[tagName]?.showInNotChat) || (user.bot && settings.store.dontShowForBots)) {
return { moreTags_bgColor: "", moreTags_fgColor: "" };
if (!channel && channelId) channel = ChannelStore.getChannel(channelId);
const member = channel?.guild_id != null ? GuildMemberStore.getMember(channel?.guild_id, user.id) : null;
const colorString = member?.colorString;
const fgColorString = colorString != null ? getContrastYIQ(colorString) : null;
return { moreTags_bgColor: colorString ?? "", moreTags_fgColor: fgColorString ?? "" };
message, user, channelId, origType, location, channel
}: {
message?: Message,
user: User & { isClyde(): boolean; },
channel?: Channel & { isForumPost(): boolean; isMediaPost(): boolean; },
channelId?: string;
origType?: number;
location: "chat" | "not-chat";
}): number | null {
if (!user)
return null;
if (location === "chat" && user.id === "1")
return Tag.Types.OFFICIAL;
if (user.isClyde())
return Tag.Types.AI;
let type = typeof origType === "number" ? origType : null;
channel ??= ChannelStore.getChannel(channelId!) as any;
if (!channel) return type;
const settings = this.settings.store;
const perms = this.getPermissions(user, channel);
for (const tag of tags) {
if (location === "chat" && !settings.tagSettings[tag.name]?.showInChat) continue;
if (location === "not-chat" && !settings.tagSettings[tag.name]?.showInNotChat) continue;
// If the owner tag is disabled, and the user is the owner of the guild,
// avoid adding other tags because the owner will always match the condition for them
if (
tag.name !== "OWNER" &&
GuildStore.getGuild(channel?.guild_id)?.ownerId === user.id &&
(location === "chat" && !settings.tagSettings.OWNER.showInChat) ||
(location === "not-chat" && !settings.tagSettings.OWNER.showInNotChat)
) continue;
if (
tag.permissions?.some(perm => perms.includes(perm)) ||
(tag.condition?.(message!, user, channel))
) {
if ((channel.isForumPost() || channel.isMediaPost()) && channel.ownerId === user.id)
type = Tag.Types[`${tag.name}-OP`];
else if (user.bot && !isWebhook(message!, user) && !settings.dontShowBotTag)
type = Tag.Types[`${tag.name}-BOT`];
type = Tag.Types[tag.name];
return type;
Add table
Reference in a new issue