mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 04:00:24 -04:00
ShowHiddenChannels: Stage and voice channels support (#469)
Co-authored-by: Ven <vendicated@riseup.net>
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 362 additions and 142 deletions
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ export default definePlugin({
";if(Vencord.Api.Notices.currentNotice)return false$&"
match: /(?<=NOTICE_DISMISS:function.+?){(?=if\(null==(.+?)\))/,
replace: '{if($1?.id=="VencordNotice")return ($1=null,Vencord.Api.Notices.nextNotice(),true);'
match: /(?<=,NOTICE_DISMISS:function\(\i\){)(?=if\(null==(\i)\))/,
replace: 'if($1?.id=="VencordNotice")return($1=null,Vencord.Api.Notices.nextNotice(),true);'
@ -18,18 +18,17 @@
import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
import { LazyComponent } from "@utils/misc";
import { proxyLazy } from "@utils/proxyLazy";
import { formatDuration } from "@utils/text";
import { find, findByCode, findByPropsLazy, findLazy } from "@webpack";
import { moment, Parser, SnowflakeUtils, Text, Timestamp, Tooltip } from "@webpack/common";
import { find, findByCode, findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
import { FluxDispatcher, GuildMemberStore, GuildStore, moment, Parser, SnowflakeUtils, Text, Timestamp, Tooltip } from "@webpack/common";
import { Channel } from "discord-types/general";
enum SortOrderTypesTyping {
enum SortOrderTypes {
enum ForumLayoutTypesTyping {
enum ForumLayoutTypes {
LIST = 1,
GRID = 2
@ -50,18 +49,31 @@ interface Tag {
interface ExtendedChannel extends Channel {
defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser?: number;
defaultSortOrder?: SortOrderTypesTyping | null;
defaultForumLayout?: ForumLayoutTypesTyping;
defaultSortOrder?: SortOrderTypes | null;
defaultForumLayout?: ForumLayoutTypes;
defaultReactionEmoji?: DefaultReaction | null;
availableTags?: Array<Tag>;
const ChatClasses = findByPropsLazy("chat", "chatContent");
const TagClasses = findLazy(m => typeof m.tags === "string" && Object.entries(m).length === 1); // Object exported with a single key called tags
const ChannelTypes = findByPropsLazy("GUILD_TEXT", "GUILD_FORUM");
const SortOrderTypes = findLazy(m => typeof m.LATEST_ACTIVITY === "number");
const ForumLayoutTypes = findLazy(m => typeof m.LIST === "number");
const ChannelFlags = findLazy(m => typeof m.REQUIRE_TAG === "number");
enum ChannelTypes {
enum VideoQualityModes {
AUTO = 1,
FULL = 2
enum ChannelFlags {
PINNED = 1 << 1,
REQUIRE_TAG = 1 << 4
const ChatScrollClasses = findByPropsLazy("auto", "content", "scrollerBase");
const TagComponent = LazyComponent(() => find(m => {
if (typeof m !== "function") return false;
@ -70,23 +82,32 @@ const TagComponent = LazyComponent(() => find(m => {
return code.includes(".Messages.FORUM_TAG_A11Y_FILTER_BY_TAG") && !code.includes("increasedActivityPill");
const EmojiComponent = LazyComponent(() => findByCode('.jumboable?"jumbo":"default"'));
// The component for the beggining of a channel, but we patched it so it only returns the allowed users and roles components for hidden channels
const ChannelBeginHeader = LazyComponent(() => findByCode(".Messages.ROLE_REQUIRED_SINGLE_USER_MESSAGE"));
const ChannelTypesToChannelNames = proxyLazy(() => ({
const ChannelTypesToChannelNames = {
[ChannelTypes.GUILD_TEXT]: "text",
[ChannelTypes.GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT]: "announcement",
[ChannelTypes.GUILD_FORUM]: "forum"
[ChannelTypes.GUILD_FORUM]: "forum",
[ChannelTypes.GUILD_VOICE]: "voice",
[ChannelTypes.GUILD_STAGE_VOICE]: "stage"
const SortOrderTypesToNames = proxyLazy(() => ({
const SortOrderTypesToNames = {
[SortOrderTypes.LATEST_ACTIVITY]: "Latest activity",
[SortOrderTypes.CREATION_DATE]: "Creation date"
const ForumLayoutTypesToNames = proxyLazy(() => ({
const ForumLayoutTypesToNames = {
[ForumLayoutTypes.DEFAULT]: "Not set",
[ForumLayoutTypes.LIST]: "List view",
[ForumLayoutTypes.GRID]: "Gallery view"
const VideoQualityModesToNames = {
[VideoQualityModes.AUTO]: "Automatic",
[VideoQualityModes.FULL]: "720p"
// Icon from the modal when clicking a message link you don't have access to view
const HiddenChannelLogo = "/assets/433e3ec4319a9d11b0cbe39342614982.svg";
@ -104,11 +125,35 @@ function HiddenChannelLockScreen({ channel }: { channel: ExtendedChannel; }) {
} = channel;
const membersToFetch: Array<string> = [];
const guildOwnerId = GuildStore.getGuild(channel.guild_id).ownerId;
if (!GuildMemberStore.getMember(channel.guild_id, guildOwnerId)) membersToFetch.push(guildOwnerId);
Object.values(permissionOverwrites).forEach(({ type, id: userId }) => {
if (type === 1) {
if (!GuildMemberStore.getMember(channel.guild_id, userId)) membersToFetch.push(userId);
if (membersToFetch.length > 0) {
guildIds: [channel.guild_id],
userIds: membersToFetch
return (
<div className={ChatClasses.chat + " " + "shc-lock-screen-container"}>
<div className={ChatScrollClasses.auto + " " + "shc-lock-screen-outer-container"}>
<div className="shc-lock-screen-container">
<img className="shc-lock-screen-logo" src={HiddenChannelLogo} />
<div className="shc-lock-screen-heading-container">
@ -133,10 +178,12 @@ function HiddenChannelLockScreen({ channel }: { channel: ExtendedChannel; }) {
{(!channel.isGuildVoice() && !channel.isGuildStageVoice()) && (
<Text variant="text-lg/normal">
You can not see the {channel.isForumChannel() ? "posts" : "messages"} of this channel.
{channel.isForumChannel() && topic && topic.length > 0 && "However you may see its guidelines:"}
</Text >
{channel.isForumChannel() && topic && topic.length > 0 && (
<div className="shc-lock-screen-topic-container">
@ -155,17 +202,26 @@ function HiddenChannelLockScreen({ channel }: { channel: ExtendedChannel; }) {
<Text variant="text-md/normal">Last message pin: <Timestamp timestamp={moment(lastPinTimestamp)} /></Text>
{(rateLimitPerUser ?? 0) > 0 &&
<Text variant="text-md/normal">Slowmode: {formatDuration(rateLimitPerUser! * 1000)}</Text>
<Text variant="text-md/normal">Slowmode: {formatDuration(rateLimitPerUser!, "seconds")}</Text>
{(defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser ?? 0) > 0 &&
<Text variant="text-md/normal">
Default thread slowmode: {formatDuration(defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser! * 1000)}
Default thread slowmode: {formatDuration(defaultThreadRateLimitPerUser!, "seconds")}
{((channel.isGuildVoice() || channel.isGuildStageVoice()) && bitrate != null) &&
<Text variant="text-md/normal">Bitrate: {bitrate} bits</Text>
{rtcRegion !== undefined &&
<Text variant="text-md/normal">Region: {rtcRegion ?? "Automatic"}</Text>
{(channel.isGuildVoice() || channel.isGuildStageVoice()) &&
<Text variant="text-md/normal">Video quality mode: {VideoQualityModesToNames[videoQualityMode ?? VideoQualityModes.AUTO]}</Text>
{(defaultAutoArchiveDuration ?? 0) > 0 &&
<Text variant="text-md/normal">
Default inactivity duration before archiving {channel.isForumChannel() ? "posts" : "threads"}:
{formatDuration(defaultAutoArchiveDuration! * 1000 * 60)}
{" " + formatDuration(defaultAutoArchiveDuration!, "minutes")}
{defaultForumLayout != null &&
@ -190,11 +246,16 @@ function HiddenChannelLockScreen({ channel }: { channel: ExtendedChannel; }) {
{availableTags && availableTags.length > 0 &&
<div className="shc-lock-screen-tags-container">
<Text variant="text-lg/bold">Available tags:</Text>
<div className={TagClasses.tags}>
<div className="shc-lock-screen-tags">
{availableTags.map(tag => <TagComponent tag={tag} />)}
<div className="shc-lock-screen-allowed-users-and-roles-container">
<Text variant="text-lg/bold">Allowed users and roles:</Text>
<ChannelBeginHeader channel={channel} />
@ -22,14 +22,15 @@ import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/settings";
import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { findByPropsLazy, findLazy } from "@webpack";
import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
import { ChannelStore, PermissionStore, Tooltip } from "@webpack/common";
import { Channel } from "discord-types/general";
import HiddenChannelLockScreen from "./components/HiddenChannelLockScreen";
const ChannelListClasses = findByPropsLazy("channelName", "subtitle", "modeMuted", "iconContainer");
const Permissions = findLazy(m => typeof m.VIEW_CHANNEL === "bigint");
const VIEW_CHANNEL = 1n << 10n;
enum ShowMode {
@ -89,14 +90,29 @@ export default definePlugin({
find: "VoiceChannel, transitionTo: Channel does not have a guildId",
replacement: [
// Do not show confirmation to join a voice channel when already connected to another if clicking on a hidden voice channel
match: /(?<=getCurrentClientVoiceChannelId\(\i\.guild_id\);if\()(?=.+?\((?<channel>\i)\))/,
replace: "!$self.isHiddenChannel($<channel>)&&"
// Make Discord think we are connected to a voice channel so it shows us inside it
match: /(?=\|\|\i\.default\.selectVoiceChannel\((?<channel>\i)\.id\))/,
replace: "||$self.isHiddenChannel($<channel>)"
// Make Discord think we are connected to a voice channel so it shows us inside it
match: /(?<=\|\|\i\.default\.selectVoiceChannel\((?<channel>\i)\.id\);!__OVERLAY__&&\()/,
replace: "$self.isHiddenChannel($<channel>)||"
find: "VoiceChannel.renderPopout: There must always be something to render",
replacement: [
// Do nothing when trying to join a voice channel if the channel is hidden
match: /(?<=handleClick=function\(\){)(?=.{1,80}(?<this>\i)\.handleVoiceConnect\(\))/,
replace: "if($self.isHiddenChannel($<this>.props.channel))return;"
// Render null instead of the buttons if the channel is hidden
@ -120,11 +136,11 @@ export default definePlugin({
predicate: () => settings.store.hideUnreads === true,
replacement: [{
replacement: {
// Hide unreads
match: /(?<=\i\.connected,\i=)(?=(?<props>\i)\.unread)/,
replace: "$self.isHiddenChannel($<props>.channel)?false:"
@ -160,7 +176,7 @@ export default definePlugin({
// Hide New unreads box for hidden channels
find: '.displayName="ChannelListUnreadsStore"',
replacement: {
match: /(?<=return null!=(?<channel>\i))(?=.{1,130}hasRelevantUnread\(\i\))/,
match: /(?<=return null!=(?<channel>\i))(?=.{1,130}hasRelevantUnread\(\i\))/g, // Global because Discord has multiple methods like that in the same module
replace: "&&!$self.isHiddenChannel($<channel>)"
@ -191,7 +207,7 @@ export default definePlugin({
match: /(?<=renderChat=function\(\){)/,
replace: "if($self.isHiddenChannel(this.props.channel))return $self.HiddenChannelLockScreen(this.props.channel);"
// Avoid trying to fetch messages from hidden channels
@ -226,6 +242,86 @@ export default definePlugin({
match: /(?<=\i:\(\)=>\i)(?=}.+?(?<component>\i)=function.{1,20}node,\i=\i.isInteracting)/,
replace: ",hc1:()=>$<component>" // Blame Ven length check for the small name :pensive_cry:
replacement: [
// Export the channel beggining header
match: /(?<=\i:\(\)=>\i)(?=}.+?function (?<component>\i).{1,600}computePermissionsForRoles)/,
replace: ",hc2:()=>$<component>"
// Patch the header to only return allowed users and roles if it's a hidden channel (Like when it's used on the HiddenChannelLockScreen)
match: /(?<=MANAGE_ROLES.{1,60}return)(?=\(.+?(?<component>\(0,\i\.jsxs\)\("div",{className:\i\(\)\.members.+?guildId:(?<channel>\i)\.guild_id.+?roleColor.+?]}\)))/,
replace: " $self.isHiddenChannel($<channel>)?$<component>:"
find: ".Messages.SHOW_CHAT",
replacement: [
// Remove the divider and the open chat button for the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /(?<=function \i\((?<props>\i)\).{1,1800}"more-options-popout"\)\);if\()/,
replace: "(!$self.isHiddenChannel($<props>.channel)||$<props>.inCall)&&"
// Render our HiddenChannelLockScreen component instead of the main voice channel component
match: /(?<=renderContent=function.{1,1700}children:)/,
replace: "!this.props.inCall&&$self.isHiddenChannel(this.props.channel)?$self.HiddenChannelLockScreen(this.props.channel):"
// Disable gradients for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of voice channels
match: /(?<=renderContent=function.{1,1600}disableGradients:)/,
replace: "!this.props.inCall&&$self.isHiddenChannel(this.props.channel)||"
// Disable useless components for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of voice channels
match: /(?<=renderContent=function.{1,800}render(?!Header).{0,30}:)(?!void)/g,
replace: "!this.props.inCall&&$self.isHiddenChannel(this.props.channel)?null:"
find: "Guild voice channel without guild id.",
replacement: [
// Render our HiddenChannelLockScreen component instead of the main stage channel component
match: /(?<=(?<channel>\i)\.getGuildId\(\).{1,30}Guild voice channel without guild id\..{1,1400}children:)(?=.{1,20}}\)}function)/,
replace: "$self.isHiddenChannel($<channel>)?$self.HiddenChannelLockScreen($<channel>):"
// Disable useless components for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of stage channels
match: /(?<=(?<channel>\i)\.getGuildId\(\).{1,30}Guild voice channel without guild id\..{1,1000}render(?!Header).{0,30}:)/g,
replace: "$self.isHiddenChannel($<channel>)?null:"
// Prevent Discord from replacing our route if we aren't connected to the stage channel
match: /(?<=if\()(?=!\i&&!\i&&!\i.{1,80}(?<channel>\i)\.getGuildId\(\).{1,50}Guild voice channel without guild id\.)/,
replace: "!$self.isHiddenChannel($<channel>)&&"
// Disable gradients for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of stage channels
match: /(?<=(?<channel>\i)\.getGuildId\(\).{1,30}Guild voice channel without guild id\..{1,600}disableGradients:)/,
replace: "$self.isHiddenChannel($<channel>)||"
// Disable strange styles applied to the header for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of stage channels
match: /(?<=(?<channel>\i)\.getGuildId\(\).{1,30}Guild voice channel without guild id\..{1,600}style:)/,
replace: "$self.isHiddenChannel($<channel>)?undefined:"
// Remove the divider and amount of users in stage channel components for the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /\(0,\i\.jsx\)\(\i\.\i\.Divider.+?}\)]}\)(?=.+?:(?<channel>\i)\.guild_id)/,
replace: "$self.isHiddenChannel($<channel>)?null:($&)"
// Remove the open chat button for the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /(?<=null,)(?=.{1,120}channelId:(?<channel>\i)\.id,.+?toggleRequestToSpeakSidebar:\i,iconClassName:\i\(\)\.buttonIcon)/,
replace: "!$self.isHiddenChannel($<channel>)&&"
@ -235,7 +331,7 @@ export default definePlugin({
if (channel.channelId) channel = ChannelStore.getChannel(channel.channelId);
if (!channel || channel.isDM() || channel.isGroupDM() || channel.isMultiUserDM()) return false;
return !PermissionStore.can(Permissions.VIEW_CHANNEL, channel);
return !PermissionStore.can(VIEW_CHANNEL, channel);
HiddenChannelLockScreen: (channel: any) => <HiddenChannelLockScreen channel={channel} />,
@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
.shc-lock-screen-outer-container {
background-color: var(--background-primary);
overflow: hidden scroll;
flex: 1 1 auto;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
.shc-lock-screen-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
text-align: center;
min-height: 100%;
.shc-lock-screen-container > * {
@ -34,14 +43,14 @@
color: var(--text-normal);
background-color: var(--background-secondary);
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 5px;
padding: 10px;
max-width: 70vw;
.shc-lock-screen-tags-container {
background-color: var(--background-secondary);
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 5px;
padding: 10px;
max-width: 70vw;
@ -49,8 +58,12 @@
margin: inherit;
.shc-lock-screen-tags-container > [class^="tags"] {
.shc-lock-screen-tags {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
gap: 8px;
.shc-evenodd-fill-current-color {
@ -76,3 +89,18 @@
padding: 3px 4px;
margin-left: 5px;
.shc-lock-screen-allowed-users-and-roles-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
background-color: var(--background-secondary);
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 10px;
max-width: 70vw;
.shc-lock-screen-allowed-users-and-roles-container > [class^="members"] {
margin-left: 10px;
flex-wrap: wrap;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { findByCodeLazy } from "@webpack";
import { GuildMemberStore, React } from "@webpack/common";
import { GuildMemberStore, React, RelationshipStore } from "@webpack/common";
const Avatar = findByCodeLazy(".Positions.TOP,spacing:");
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ export default definePlugin({
find: ",\"SEVERAL_USERS_TYPING\",\"",
replacement: {
match: /(\i)\((\i),("SEVERAL_USERS_TYPING"),".+?"\)/,
replace: "$1($2,$3,\"**!!{a}!!**, **!!{b}!!**, and {c} others are typing...\")"
match: /(?<="SEVERAL_USERS_TYPING",)".+?"/,
replace: '"**!!{a}!!**, **!!{b}!!**, and {c} others are typing..."'
predicate: () => settings.store.alternativeFormatting
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ export default definePlugin({
let element = 0;
return children.map(c => c.type === "strong" ? <this.TypingUser {...props} user={users[element++]}/> : c);
return children.map(c => c.type === "strong" ? <this.TypingUser {...props} user={users[element++]} /> : c);
TypingUser: ErrorBoundary.wrap(({ user, guildId }) => {
@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ export default definePlugin({
{settings.store.showAvatars && <div style={{ marginTop: "4px" }}>
src={user.getAvatarURL(guildId, 128)}/>
src={user.getAvatarURL(guildId, 128)} />
{GuildMemberStore.getNick(guildId!, user.id) || user.username}
{GuildMemberStore.getNick(guildId!, user.id) || !guildId && RelationshipStore.getNickname(user.id) || user.username}
}, { noop: true })
@ -37,25 +37,58 @@ export const wordsToPascal = (words: string[]) =>
export const wordsToTitle = (words: string[]) =>
words.map(w => w[0].toUpperCase() + w.slice(1)).join(" ");
const units = ["years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"] as const;
type Units = typeof units[number];
function getUnitStr(unit: Units, isOne: boolean, short: boolean) {
if (short === false) return isOne ? unit.slice(0, -1) : unit;
return unit[0];
* Forms milliseconds into a human readable string link "1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes and 4 seconds"
* @param ms Milliseconds
* Forms time into a human readable string link "1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes and 4 seconds"
* @param time The time on the specified unit
* @param unit The unit the time is on
* @param short Whether to use short units like "d" instead of "days"
export function formatDuration(ms: number, short: boolean = false) {
const dur = moment.duration(ms);
return (["years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"] as const).reduce((res, unit) => {
const x = dur[unit]();
if (x > 0 || res.length) {
if (res.length)
res += unit === "seconds" ? " and " : ", ";
export function formatDuration(time: number, unit: Units, short: boolean = false) {
const dur = moment.duration(time, unit);
const unitStr = short
? unit[0]
: x === 1 ? unit.slice(0, -1) : unit;
let unitsAmounts = units.map(unit => ({ amount: dur[unit](), unit }));
res += `${x} ${unitStr}`;
let amountsToBeRemoved = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < unitsAmounts.length; i++) {
if (unitsAmounts[i].amount === 0 || !(i + 1 < unitsAmounts.length)) continue;
for (let v = i + 1; v < unitsAmounts.length; v++) {
if (unitsAmounts[v].amount !== 0) continue outer;
return res;
}, "").replace(/((,|and) \b0 \w+)+$/, "") || "now";
amountsToBeRemoved = unitsAmounts.length - (i + 1);
unitsAmounts = amountsToBeRemoved === 0 ? unitsAmounts : unitsAmounts.slice(0, -amountsToBeRemoved);
const daysAmountIndex = unitsAmounts.findIndex(({ unit }) => unit === "days");
if (daysAmountIndex !== -1) {
const daysAmount = unitsAmounts[daysAmountIndex];
const daysMod = daysAmount.amount % 7;
if (daysMod === 0) unitsAmounts.splice(daysAmountIndex, 1);
else daysAmount.amount = daysMod;
let res: string = "";
while (unitsAmounts.length) {
const { amount, unit } = unitsAmounts.shift()!;
if (res.length) res += unitsAmounts.length ? ", " : " and ";
if (amount > 0 || res.length) {
res += `${amount} ${getUnitStr(unit, amount === 1, short)}`;
return res.length ? res : `0 ${getUnitStr(unit, false, short)}`;
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Logger from "@utils/Logger";
import { canonicalizeReplacement } from "@utils/patches";
import { PatchReplacement } from "@utils/types";
import { traceFunction } from "../debug/Tracer";
import { _initWebpack } from ".";
let webpackChunk: any[];
@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ function patchPush() {
for (let i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) {
const patch = patches[i];
const executePatch = traceFunction(`patch by ${patch.plugin}`, (match: string | RegExp, replace: string) => code.replace(match, replace));
if (patch.predicate && !patch.predicate()) continue;
if (code.includes(patch.find)) {
@ -146,7 +148,7 @@ function patchPush() {
canonicalizeReplacement(replacement, patch.plugin);
try {
const newCode = code.replace(replacement.match, replacement.replace as string);
const newCode = executePatch(replacement.match, replacement.replace as string);
if (newCode === code && !patch.noWarn) {
logger.warn(`Patch by ${patch.plugin} had no effect (Module id is ${id}): ${replacement.match}`);
if (IS_DEV) {
@ -187,7 +189,7 @@ function patchPush() {
logger.errorCustomFmt(...Logger.makeTitle("white", "Before"), context);
logger.errorCustomFmt(...Logger.makeTitle("white", "After"), context);
logger.errorCustomFmt(...Logger.makeTitle("white", "After"), patchedContext);
const [titleFmt, ...titleElements] = Logger.makeTitle("white", "Diff");
logger.errorCustomFmt(titleFmt + fmt, ...titleElements, ...elements);
Add table
Reference in a new issue