mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 15:18:50 -05:00
refactor(Webpack): more reliable patching (#2237)
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 443 additions and 302 deletions
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ page.on("pageerror", e => console.error("[Page Error]", e));
await page.setBypassCSP(true);
function runTime(token: string) {
async function runtime(token: string) {
console.log("[PUP_DEBUG]", "Starting test...");
try {
@ -282,9 +282,13 @@ function runTime(token: string) {
// Monkey patch Logger to not log with custom css
// @ts-ignore
const originalLog = Vencord.Util.Logger.prototype._log;
// @ts-ignore
Vencord.Util.Logger.prototype._log = function (level, levelColor, args) {
if (level === "warn" || level === "error")
console[level]("[Vencord]", this.name + ":", ...args);
return console[level]("[Vencord]", this.name + ":", ...args);
return originalLog.call(this, level, levelColor, args);
// Force enable all plugins and patches
@ -310,45 +314,30 @@ function runTime(token: string) {
m => {
console.log("[PUP_DEBUG]", "Logging in with token...");
let wreq: typeof Vencord.Webpack.wreq;
// Force load all chunks
Vencord.Webpack.onceReady.then(() => setTimeout(async () => {
console.log("[PUP_DEBUG]", "Webpack is ready!");
const { canonicalizeMatch, Logger } = Vencord.Util;
const { wreq } = Vencord.Webpack;
const validChunks = new Set<string>();
const invalidChunks = new Set<string>();
console.log("[PUP_DEBUG]", "Loading all chunks...");
let chunksSearchingResolve: (value: void | PromiseLike<void>) => void;
const chunksSearchingDone = new Promise<void>(r => chunksSearchingResolve = r);
let chunks = null as Record<number, string[]> | null;
const sym = Symbol("Vencord.chunksExtract");
// True if resolved, false otherwise
const chunksSearchPromises = [] as Array<() => boolean>;
const lazyChunkRegex = canonicalizeMatch(/Promise\.all\((\[\i\.\i\(".+?"\).+?\])\).then\(\i\.bind\(\i,"(.+?)"\)\)/g);
const chunkIdsRegex = canonicalizeMatch(/\("(.+?)"\)/g);
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, sym, {
get() {
chunks = this;
set() { },
configurable: true,
async function searchAndLoadLazyChunks(factoryCode: string) {
const lazyChunks = factoryCode.matchAll(lazyChunkRegex);
const validChunkGroups = new Set<[chunkIds: string[], entryPoint: string]>();
await (wreq as any).el(sym);
delete Object.prototype[sym];
await Promise.all(Array.from(lazyChunks).map(async ([, rawChunkIds, entryPoint]) => {
const chunkIds = Array.from(rawChunkIds.matchAll(chunkIdsRegex)).map(m => m[1]);
if (chunkIds.length === 0) return;
const validChunksEntryPoints = new Set<string>();
const validChunks = new Set<string>();
const invalidChunks = new Set<string>();
if (!chunks) throw new Error("Failed to get chunks");
for (const entryPoint in chunks) {
const chunkIds = chunks[entryPoint];
let invalidEntryPoint = false;
let invalidChunkGroup = false;
for (const id of chunkIds) {
if (wreq.u(id) == null || wreq.u(id) === "undefined.js") continue;
@ -359,56 +348,28 @@ function runTime(token: string) {
if (isWasm) {
invalidEntryPoint = true;
invalidChunkGroup = true;
if (!invalidEntryPoint)
if (!invalidChunkGroup) {
validChunkGroups.add([chunkIds, entryPoint]);
for (const entryPoint of validChunksEntryPoints) {
try {
// Loads all chunks required for an entry point
await (wreq as any).el(entryPoint);
} catch (err) { }
// Loads all found valid chunk groups
await Promise.all(
.map(([chunkIds]) =>
Promise.all(chunkIds.map(id => wreq.e(id as any).catch(() => { })))
// Matches "id" or id:
const chunkIdRegex = /(?:"(\d+?)")|(?:(\d+?):)/g;
const wreqU = wreq.u.toString();
const allChunks = [] as string[];
let currentMatch: RegExpExecArray | null;
while ((currentMatch = chunkIdRegex.exec(wreqU)) != null) {
const id = currentMatch[1] ?? currentMatch[2];
if (id == null) continue;
if (allChunks.length === 0) throw new Error("Failed to get all chunks");
const chunksLeft = allChunks.filter(id => {
return !(validChunks.has(id) || invalidChunks.has(id));
for (const id of chunksLeft) {
const isWasm = await fetch(wreq.p + wreq.u(id))
.then(r => r.text())
.then(t => t.includes(".module.wasm") || !t.includes("(this.webpackChunkdiscord_app=this.webpackChunkdiscord_app||[]).push"));
// Loads a chunk
if (!isWasm) await wreq.e(id as any);
// Make sure every chunk has finished loading
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
for (const entryPoint of validChunksEntryPoints) {
// Requires the entry points for all valid chunk groups
for (const [, entryPoint] of validChunkGroups) {
try {
if (wreq.m[entryPoint]) wreq(entryPoint as any);
} catch (err) {
@ -416,54 +377,139 @@ function runTime(token: string) {
console.log("[PUP_DEBUG]", "Finished loading all chunks!");
// setImmediate to only check if all chunks were loaded after this function resolves
// We check if all chunks were loaded every time a factory is loaded
// If we are still looking for chunks in the other factories, the array will have that factory's chunk search promise not resolved
// But, if all chunk search promises are resolved, this means we found every lazy chunk loaded by Discord code and manually loaded them
setTimeout(() => {
let allResolved = true;
for (const patch of Vencord.Plugins.patches) {
if (!patch.all) {
new Vencord.Util.Logger("WebpackInterceptor").warn(`Patch by ${patch.plugin} found no module (Module id is -): ${patch.find}`);
for (let i = 0; i < chunksSearchPromises.length; i++) {
const isResolved = chunksSearchPromises[i]();
for (const [searchType, args] of Vencord.Webpack.lazyWebpackSearchHistory) {
let method = searchType;
if (searchType === "findComponent") method = "find";
if (searchType === "findExportedComponent") method = "findByProps";
if (searchType === "waitFor" || searchType === "waitForComponent") {
if (typeof args[0] === "string") method = "findByProps";
else method = "find";
if (searchType === "waitForStore") method = "findStore";
try {
let result: any;
if (method === "proxyLazyWebpack" || method === "LazyComponentWebpack") {
const [factory] = args;
result = factory();
} else if (method === "extractAndLoadChunks") {
const [code, matcher] = args;
const module = Vencord.Webpack.findModuleFactory(...code);
if (module) result = module.toString().match(Vencord.Util.canonicalizeMatch(matcher));
if (isResolved) {
// Remove finished promises to avoid having to iterate through a huge array everytime
chunksSearchPromises.splice(i--, 1);
} else {
// @ts-ignore
result = Vencord.Webpack[method](...args);
allResolved = false;
if (result == null || ("$$vencordInternal" in result && result.$$vencordInternal() == null)) throw "a rock at ben shapiro";
} catch (e) {
let logMessage = searchType;
if (method === "find" || method === "proxyLazyWebpack" || method === "LazyComponentWebpack") logMessage += `(${args[0].toString().slice(0, 147)}...)`;
else if (method === "extractAndLoadChunks") logMessage += `([${args[0].map(arg => `"${arg}"`).join(", ")}], ${args[1].toString()})`;
else logMessage += `(${args.map(arg => `"${arg}"`).join(", ")})`;
console.log("[PUP_WEBPACK_FIND_FAIL]", logMessage);
setTimeout(() => console.log("[PUPPETEER_TEST_DONE_SIGNAL]"), 1000);
}, 1000));
if (allResolved) chunksSearchingResolve();
}, 0);
m => {
console.log("[PUP_DEBUG]", "Logging in with token...");
Vencord.Webpack.beforeInitListeners.add(async webpackRequire => {
console.log("[PUP_DEBUG]", "Loading all chunks...");
wreq = webpackRequire;
Vencord.Webpack.factoryListeners.add(factory => {
let isResolved = false;
searchAndLoadLazyChunks(factory.toString()).then(() => isResolved = true);
chunksSearchPromises.push(() => isResolved);
// setImmediate to only search the initial factories after Discord initialized the app
// our beforeInitListeners are called before Discord initializes the app
setTimeout(() => {
for (const factoryId in wreq.m) {
let isResolved = false;
searchAndLoadLazyChunks(wreq.m[factoryId].toString()).then(() => isResolved = true);
chunksSearchPromises.push(() => isResolved);
}, 0);
await chunksSearchingDone;
// All chunks Discord has mapped to asset files, even if they are not used anymore
const allChunks = [] as string[];
// Matches "id" or id:
for (const currentMatch of wreq!.u.toString().matchAll(/(?:"(\d+?)")|(?:(\d+?):)/g)) {
const id = currentMatch[1] ?? currentMatch[2];
if (id == null) continue;
if (allChunks.length === 0) throw new Error("Failed to get all chunks");
// Chunks that are not loaded (not used) by Discord code anymore
const chunksLeft = allChunks.filter(id => {
return !(validChunks.has(id) || invalidChunks.has(id));
await Promise.all(chunksLeft.map(async id => {
const isWasm = await fetch(wreq.p + wreq.u(id))
.then(r => r.text())
.then(t => t.includes(".module.wasm") || !t.includes("(this.webpackChunkdiscord_app=this.webpackChunkdiscord_app||[]).push"));
// Loads and requires a chunk
if (!isWasm) {
await wreq.e(id as any);
if (wreq.m[id]) wreq(id as any);
console.log("[PUP_DEBUG]", "Finished loading all chunks!");
for (const patch of Vencord.Plugins.patches) {
if (!patch.all) {
new Logger("WebpackInterceptor").warn(`Patch by ${patch.plugin} found no module (Module id is -): ${patch.find}`);
for (const [searchType, args] of Vencord.Webpack.lazyWebpackSearchHistory) {
let method = searchType;
if (searchType === "findComponent") method = "find";
if (searchType === "findExportedComponent") method = "findByProps";
if (searchType === "waitFor" || searchType === "waitForComponent") {
if (typeof args[0] === "string") method = "findByProps";
else method = "find";
if (searchType === "waitForStore") method = "findStore";
try {
let result: any;
if (method === "proxyLazyWebpack" || method === "LazyComponentWebpack") {
const [factory] = args;
result = factory();
} else if (method === "extractAndLoadChunks") {
const [code, matcher] = args;
const module = Vencord.Webpack.findModuleFactory(...code);
if (module) result = module.toString().match(canonicalizeMatch(matcher));
} else {
// @ts-ignore
result = Vencord.Webpack[method](...args);
if (result == null || ("$$vencordInternal" in result && result.$$vencordInternal() == null)) throw "a rock at ben shapiro";
} catch (e) {
let logMessage = searchType;
if (method === "find" || method === "proxyLazyWebpack" || method === "LazyComponentWebpack") logMessage += `(${args[0].toString().slice(0, 147)}...)`;
else if (method === "extractAndLoadChunks") logMessage += `([${args[0].map(arg => `"${arg}"`).join(", ")}], ${args[1].toString()})`;
else logMessage += `(${args.map(arg => `"${arg}"`).join(", ")})`;
console.log("[PUP_WEBPACK_FIND_FAIL]", logMessage);
setTimeout(() => console.log("[PUPPETEER_TEST_DONE_SIGNAL]"), 1000);
} catch (e) {
console.log("[PUP_DEBUG]", "A fatal error occurred:", e);
@ -473,7 +519,7 @@ function runTime(token: string) {
await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(`
${readFileSync("./dist/browser.js", "utf-8")}
await page.goto(CANARY ? "https://canary.discord.com/login" : "https://discord.com/login");
@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ export const PMLogger = logger;
export const plugins = Plugins;
export const patches = [] as Patch[];
/** Whether we have subscribed to flux events of all the enabled plugins when FluxDispatcher was ready */
let enabledPluginsSubscribedFlux = false;
const settings = Settings.plugins;
export function isPluginEnabled(p: string) {
@ -119,6 +122,33 @@ export function startDependenciesRecursive(p: Plugin) {
return { restartNeeded, failures };
export function subscribePluginFluxEvents(p: Plugin, fluxDispatcher: typeof FluxDispatcher) {
if (p.flux) {
logger.debug("Subscribing to flux events of plugin", p.name);
for (const [event, handler] of Object.entries(p.flux)) {
fluxDispatcher.subscribe(event as FluxEvents, handler);
export function unsubscribePluginFluxEvents(p: Plugin, fluxDispatcher: typeof FluxDispatcher) {
if (p.flux) {
logger.debug("Unsubscribing from flux events of plugin", p.name);
for (const [event, handler] of Object.entries(p.flux)) {
fluxDispatcher.unsubscribe(event as FluxEvents, handler);
export function subscribeAllPluginsFluxEvents(fluxDispatcher: typeof FluxDispatcher) {
enabledPluginsSubscribedFlux = true;
for (const name in Plugins) {
if (!isPluginEnabled(name)) continue;
subscribePluginFluxEvents(Plugins[name], fluxDispatcher);
export const startPlugin = traceFunction("startPlugin", function startPlugin(p: Plugin) {
const { name, commands, flux, contextMenus } = p;
@ -138,7 +168,7 @@ export const startPlugin = traceFunction("startPlugin", function startPlugin(p:
if (commands?.length) {
logger.info("Registering commands of plugin", name);
logger.debug("Registering commands of plugin", name);
for (const cmd of commands) {
try {
registerCommand(cmd, name);
@ -149,13 +179,13 @@ export const startPlugin = traceFunction("startPlugin", function startPlugin(p:
if (flux) {
for (const event in flux) {
FluxDispatcher.subscribe(event as FluxEvents, flux[event]);
if (enabledPluginsSubscribedFlux) {
subscribePluginFluxEvents(p, FluxDispatcher);
if (contextMenus) {
logger.debug("Adding context menus patches of plugin", name);
for (const navId in contextMenus) {
addContextMenuPatch(navId, contextMenus[navId]);
@ -182,7 +212,7 @@ export const stopPlugin = traceFunction("stopPlugin", function stopPlugin(p: Plu
if (commands?.length) {
logger.info("Unregistering commands of plugin", name);
logger.debug("Unregistering commands of plugin", name);
for (const cmd of commands) {
try {
@ -193,13 +223,10 @@ export const stopPlugin = traceFunction("stopPlugin", function stopPlugin(p: Plu
if (flux) {
for (const event in flux) {
FluxDispatcher.unsubscribe(event as FluxEvents, flux[event]);
unsubscribePluginFluxEvents(p, FluxDispatcher);
if (contextMenus) {
logger.debug("Removing context menus patches of plugin", name);
for (const navId in contextMenus) {
removeContextMenuPatch(navId, contextMenus[navId]);
@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ const enum ShowMode {
const CONNECT = 1n << 20n;
export const settings = definePluginSettings({
hideUnreads: {
description: "Hide Unreads",
@ -273,12 +275,12 @@ export default definePlugin({
// Change the role permission check to CONNECT if the channel is locked
match: /ADMINISTRATOR\)\|\|(?<=context:(\i)}.+?)(?=(.+?)VIEW_CHANNEL)/,
replace: (m, channel, permCheck) => `${m}!Vencord.Webpack.Common.PermissionStore.can(${PermissionsBits.CONNECT}n,${channel})?${permCheck}CONNECT):`
replace: (m, channel, permCheck) => `${m}!Vencord.Webpack.Common.PermissionStore.can(${CONNECT}n,${channel})?${permCheck}CONNECT):`
// Change the permissionOverwrite check to CONNECT if the channel is locked
match: /permissionOverwrites\[.+?\i=(?<=context:(\i)}.+?)(?=(.+?)VIEW_CHANNEL)/,
replace: (m, channel, permCheck) => `${m}!Vencord.Webpack.Common.PermissionStore.can(${PermissionsBits.CONNECT}n,${channel})?${permCheck}CONNECT):`
replace: (m, channel, permCheck) => `${m}!Vencord.Webpack.Common.PermissionStore.can(${CONNECT}n,${channel})?${permCheck}CONNECT):`
// Include the @everyone role in the allowed roles list for Hidden Channels
@ -18,20 +18,20 @@
import { PatchReplacement, ReplaceFn } from "./types";
export function canonicalizeMatch(match: RegExp | string) {
export function canonicalizeMatch<T extends RegExp | string>(match: T): T {
if (typeof match === "string") return match;
const canonSource = match.source
.replaceAll("\\i", "[A-Za-z_$][\\w$]*");
return new RegExp(canonSource, match.flags);
return new RegExp(canonSource, match.flags) as T;
export function canonicalizeReplace(replace: string | ReplaceFn, pluginName: string): string | ReplaceFn {
export function canonicalizeReplace<T extends string | ReplaceFn>(replace: T, pluginName: string): T {
const self = `Vencord.Plugins.plugins[${JSON.stringify(pluginName)}]`;
if (typeof replace !== "function")
return replace.replaceAll("$self", self);
return replace.replaceAll("$self", self) as T;
return (...args) => replace(...args).replaceAll("$self", self);
return ((...args) => replace(...args).replaceAll("$self", self)) as T;
export function canonicalizeDescriptor<T>(descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<T>, canonicalize: (value: T) => T) {
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export let Tooltip: t.Tooltip;
export let TextInput: t.TextInput;
export let TextArea: t.TextArea;
export let Text: t.Text;
export let Heading: t.HeadingTag;
export let Heading: t.Heading;
export let Select: t.Select;
export let SearchableSelect: t.SearchableSelect;
export let Slider: t.Slider;
@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ export let FluxDispatcher: t.FluxDispatcher;
waitFor(["dispatch", "subscribe"], m => {
FluxDispatcher = m;
// Non import call to avoid circular dependency
const cb = () => {
m.unsubscribe("CONNECTION_OPEN", cb);
@ -18,66 +18,120 @@
import { WEBPACK_CHUNK } from "@utils/constants";
import { Logger } from "@utils/Logger";
import { canonicalizeReplacement } from "@utils/patches";
import { canonicalizeMatch, canonicalizeReplacement } from "@utils/patches";
import { PatchReplacement } from "@utils/types";
import { WebpackInstance } from "discord-types/other";
import { traceFunction } from "../debug/Tracer";
import { _initWebpack } from ".";
import { patches } from "../plugins";
import { _initWebpack, beforeInitListeners, factoryListeners, moduleListeners, subscriptions, wreq } from ".";
const logger = new Logger("WebpackInterceptor", "#8caaee");
const initCallbackRegex = canonicalizeMatch(/{return \i\(".+?"\)}/);
let webpackChunk: any[];
const logger = new Logger("WebpackInterceptor", "#8caaee");
// Patch the window webpack chunk setter to monkey patch the push method before any chunks are pushed
// This way we can patch the factory of everything being pushed to the modules array
Object.defineProperty(window, WEBPACK_CHUNK, {
configurable: true,
if (window[WEBPACK_CHUNK]) {
logger.info(`Patching ${WEBPACK_CHUNK}.push (was already existent, likely from cache!)`);
} else {
Object.defineProperty(window, WEBPACK_CHUNK, {
get: () => webpackChunk,
set: v => {
if (v?.push) {
if (!v.push.$$vencordOriginal) {
logger.info(`Patching ${WEBPACK_CHUNK}.push`);
get: () => webpackChunk,
set: v => {
if (v?.push) {
if (!v.push.$$vencordOriginal) {
logger.info(`Patching ${WEBPACK_CHUNK}.push`);
// @ts-ignore
delete window[WEBPACK_CHUNK];
window[WEBPACK_CHUNK] = v;
webpackChunk = v;
// wreq.O is the webpack onChunksLoaded function
// Discord uses it to await for all the chunks to be loaded before initializing the app
// We monkey patch it to also monkey patch the initialize app callback to get immediate access to the webpack require and run our listeners before doing it
Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, "O", {
configurable: true,
set(onChunksLoaded: any) {
// When using react devtools or other extensions, or even when discord loads the sentry, we may also catch their webpack here.
// This ensures we actually got the right one
// this.e (wreq.e) is the method for loading a chunk, and only the main webpack has it
if (new Error().stack?.includes("discord.com") && String(this.e).includes("Promise.all")) {
logger.info("Found main WebpackRequire.onChunksLoaded");
delete (Function.prototype as any).O;
const originalOnChunksLoaded = onChunksLoaded;
onChunksLoaded = function (this: unknown, result: any, chunkIds: string[], callback: () => any, priority: number) {
if (callback != null && initCallbackRegex.test(callback.toString())) {
Object.defineProperty(this, "O", {
value: originalOnChunksLoaded,
configurable: true
const wreq = this as WebpackInstance;
const originalCallback = callback;
callback = function (this: unknown) {
logger.info("Patched initialize app callback invoked, initializing our internal references to WebpackRequire and running beforeInitListeners");
for (const beforeInitListener of beforeInitListeners) {
originalCallback.apply(this, arguments as any);
callback.toString = originalCallback.toString.bind(originalCallback);
arguments[2] = callback;
if (_initWebpack(v)) {
logger.info("Successfully initialised Vencord webpack");
// @ts-ignore
delete window[WEBPACK_CHUNK];
window[WEBPACK_CHUNK] = v;
webpackChunk = v;
configurable: true
originalOnChunksLoaded.apply(this, arguments as any);
// wreq.m is the webpack module factory.
// normally, this is populated via webpackGlobal.push, which we patch below.
// However, Discord has their .m prepopulated.
// Thus, we use this hack to immediately access their wreq.m and patch all already existing factories
// Update: Discord now has TWO webpack instances. Their normal one and sentry
// Sentry does not push chunks to the global at all, so this same patch now also handles their sentry modules
Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, "m", {
set(v: any) {
// When using react devtools or other extensions, we may also catch their webpack here.
// This ensures we actually got the right one
if (new Error().stack?.includes("discord.com")) {
logger.info("Found webpack module factory");
onChunksLoaded.toString = originalOnChunksLoaded.toString.bind(originalOnChunksLoaded);
Object.defineProperty(this, "m", {
value: v,
configurable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(this, "O", {
value: onChunksLoaded,
configurable: true
// wreq.m is the webpack module factory.
// normally, this is populated via webpackGlobal.push, which we patch below.
// However, Discord has their .m prepopulated.
// Thus, we use this hack to immediately access their wreq.m and patch all already existing factories
// Update: Discord now has TWO webpack instances. Their normal one and sentry
// Sentry does not push chunks to the global at all, so this same patch now also handles their sentry modules
Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, "m", {
configurable: true,
set(v: any) {
// When using react devtools or other extensions, we may also catch their webpack here.
// This ensures we actually got the right one
const error = new Error();
if (error.stack?.includes("discord.com")) {
logger.info("Found Webpack module factory", error.stack.match(/\/assets\/(.+?\.js)/)?.[1] ?? "");
Object.defineProperty(this, "m", {
value: v,
configurable: true
function patchPush(webpackGlobal: any) {
function handlePush(chunk: any) {
@ -91,6 +145,7 @@ function patchPush(webpackGlobal: any) {
handlePush.$$vencordOriginal = webpackGlobal.push;
handlePush.toString = handlePush.$$vencordOriginal.toString.bind(handlePush.$$vencordOriginal);
// Webpack overwrites .push with its own push like so: `d.push = n.bind(null, d.push.bind(d));`
// it wraps the old push (`d.push.bind(d)`). this old push is in this case our handlePush.
// If we then repatched the new push, we would end up with recursive patching, which leads to our patches
@ -99,41 +154,41 @@ function patchPush(webpackGlobal: any) {
handlePush.bind = (...args: unknown[]) => handlePush.$$vencordOriginal.bind(...args);
Object.defineProperty(webpackGlobal, "push", {
configurable: true,
get: () => handlePush,
set(v) {
handlePush.$$vencordOriginal = v;
configurable: true
function patchFactories(factories: Record<string | number, (module: { exports: any; }, exports: any, require: any) => void>) {
const { subscriptions, listeners } = Vencord.Webpack;
const { patches } = Vencord.Plugins;
let webpackNotInitializedLogged = false;
function patchFactories(factories: Record<string, (module: any, exports: any, require: WebpackInstance) => void>) {
for (const id in factories) {
let mod = factories[id];
// Discords Webpack chunks for some ungodly reason contain random
// newlines. Cyn recommended this workaround and it seems to work fine,
// however this could potentially break code, so if anything goes weird,
// this is probably why.
// Additionally, `[actual newline]` is one less char than "\n", so if Discord
// ever targets newer browsers, the minifier could potentially use this trick and
// cause issues.
// 0, prefix is to turn it into an expression: 0,function(){} would be invalid syntax without the 0,
let code: string = "0," + mod.toString().replaceAll("\n", "");
const originalMod = mod;
const patchedBy = new Set();
const factory = factories[id] = function (module, exports, require) {
const factory = factories[id] = function (module: any, exports: any, require: WebpackInstance) {
if (wreq == null && IS_DEV) {
if (!webpackNotInitializedLogged) {
webpackNotInitializedLogged = true;
logger.error("WebpackRequire was not initialized, running modules without patches instead.");
return void originalMod(module, exports, require);
try {
mod(module, exports, require);
} catch (err) {
// Just rethrow discord errors
if (mod === originalMod) throw err;
logger.error("Error in patched chunk", err);
logger.error("Error in patched module", err);
return void originalMod(module, exports, require);
@ -153,11 +208,11 @@ function patchFactories(factories: Record<string | number, (module: { exports: a
for (const callback of listeners) {
for (const callback of moduleListeners) {
try {
callback(exports, id);
} catch (err) {
logger.error("Error in webpack listener", err);
logger.error("Error in Webpack module listener:\n", err, callback);
@ -171,107 +226,127 @@ function patchFactories(factories: Record<string | number, (module: { exports: a
callback(exports.default, id);
} catch (err) {
logger.error("Error while firing callback for webpack chunk", err);
logger.error("Error while firing callback for Webpack subscription:\n", err, filter, callback);
} as any as { toString: () => string, original: any, (...args: any[]): void; };
// for some reason throws some error on which calling .toString() leads to infinite recursion
// when you force load all chunks???
factory.toString = () => mod.toString();
factory.toString = originalMod.toString.bind(originalMod);
factory.original = originalMod;
for (const factoryListener of factoryListeners) {
try {
} catch (err) {
logger.error("Error in Webpack factory listener:\n", err, factoryListener);
// Discords Webpack chunks for some ungodly reason contain random
// newlines. Cyn recommended this workaround and it seems to work fine,
// however this could potentially break code, so if anything goes weird,
// this is probably why.
// Additionally, `[actual newline]` is one less char than "\n", so if Discord
// ever targets newer browsers, the minifier could potentially use this trick and
// cause issues.
// 0, prefix is to turn it into an expression: 0,function(){} would be invalid syntax without the 0,
let code: string = "0," + mod.toString().replaceAll("\n", "");
for (let i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) {
const patch = patches[i];
const executePatch = traceFunction(`patch by ${patch.plugin}`, (match: string | RegExp, replace: string) => code.replace(match, replace));
if (patch.predicate && !patch.predicate()) continue;
if (!code.includes(patch.find)) continue;
if (code.includes(patch.find)) {
const previousMod = mod;
const previousCode = code;
const executePatch = traceFunction(`patch by ${patch.plugin}`, (match: string | RegExp, replace: string) => code.replace(match, replace));
const previousMod = mod;
const previousCode = code;
// we change all patch.replacement to array in plugins/index
for (const replacement of patch.replacement as PatchReplacement[]) {
if (replacement.predicate && !replacement.predicate()) continue;
const lastMod = mod;
const lastCode = code;
// We change all patch.replacement to array in plugins/index
for (const replacement of patch.replacement as PatchReplacement[]) {
if (replacement.predicate && !replacement.predicate()) continue;
canonicalizeReplacement(replacement, patch.plugin);
const lastMod = mod;
const lastCode = code;
try {
const newCode = executePatch(replacement.match, replacement.replace as string);
if (newCode === code) {
if (!patch.noWarn) {
logger.warn(`Patch by ${patch.plugin} had no effect (Module id is ${id}): ${replacement.match}`);
if (IS_DEV) {
logger.debug("Function Source:\n", code);
canonicalizeReplacement(replacement, patch.plugin);
try {
const newCode = executePatch(replacement.match, replacement.replace as string);
if (newCode === code) {
if (!patch.noWarn) {
logger.warn(`Patch by ${patch.plugin} had no effect (Module id is ${id}): ${replacement.match}`);
if (IS_DEV) {
logger.debug("Function Source:\n", code);
if (patch.group) {
logger.warn(`Undoing patch group ${patch.find} by ${patch.plugin} because replacement ${replacement.match} had no effect`);
code = previousCode;
mod = previousMod;
} else {
code = newCode;
mod = (0, eval)(`// Webpack Module ${id} - Patched by ${[...patchedBy].join(", ")}\n${newCode}\n//# sourceURL=WebpackModule${id}`);
} catch (err) {
logger.error(`Patch by ${patch.plugin} errored (Module id is ${id}): ${replacement.match}\n`, err);
if (IS_DEV) {
const changeSize = code.length - lastCode.length;
const match = lastCode.match(replacement.match)!;
// Use 200 surrounding characters of context
const start = Math.max(0, match.index! - 200);
const end = Math.min(lastCode.length, match.index! + match[0].length + 200);
// (changeSize may be negative)
const endPatched = end + changeSize;
const context = lastCode.slice(start, end);
const patchedContext = code.slice(start, endPatched);
// inline require to avoid including it in !IS_DEV builds
const diff = (require("diff") as typeof import("diff")).diffWordsWithSpace(context, patchedContext);
let fmt = "%c %s ";
const elements = [] as string[];
for (const d of diff) {
const color = d.removed
? "red"
: d.added
? "lime"
: "grey";
fmt += "%c%s";
elements.push("color:" + color, d.value);
logger.errorCustomFmt(...Logger.makeTitle("white", "Before"), context);
logger.errorCustomFmt(...Logger.makeTitle("white", "After"), patchedContext);
const [titleFmt, ...titleElements] = Logger.makeTitle("white", "Diff");
logger.errorCustomFmt(titleFmt + fmt, ...titleElements, ...elements);
if (patch.group) {
logger.warn(`Undoing patch group ${patch.find} by ${patch.plugin} because replacement ${replacement.match} errored`);
code = previousCode;
logger.warn(`Undoing patch group ${patch.find} by ${patch.plugin} because replacement ${replacement.match} had no effect`);
mod = previousMod;
code = previousCode;
code = lastCode;
mod = lastMod;
if (!patch.all) patches.splice(i--, 1);
code = newCode;
mod = (0, eval)(`// Webpack Module ${id} - Patched by ${[...patchedBy].join(", ")}\n${newCode}\n//# sourceURL=WebpackModule${id}`);
} catch (err) {
logger.error(`Patch by ${patch.plugin} errored (Module id is ${id}): ${replacement.match}\n`, err);
if (IS_DEV) {
const changeSize = code.length - lastCode.length;
const match = lastCode.match(replacement.match)!;
// Use 200 surrounding characters of context
const start = Math.max(0, match.index! - 200);
const end = Math.min(lastCode.length, match.index! + match[0].length + 200);
// (changeSize may be negative)
const endPatched = end + changeSize;
const context = lastCode.slice(start, end);
const patchedContext = code.slice(start, endPatched);
// inline require to avoid including it in !IS_DEV builds
const diff = (require("diff") as typeof import("diff")).diffWordsWithSpace(context, patchedContext);
let fmt = "%c %s ";
const elements = [] as string[];
for (const d of diff) {
const color = d.removed
? "red"
: d.added
? "lime"
: "grey";
fmt += "%c%s";
elements.push("color:" + color, d.value);
logger.errorCustomFmt(...Logger.makeTitle("white", "Before"), context);
logger.errorCustomFmt(...Logger.makeTitle("white", "After"), patchedContext);
const [titleFmt, ...titleElements] = Logger.makeTitle("white", "Diff");
logger.errorCustomFmt(titleFmt + fmt, ...titleElements, ...elements);
if (patch.group) {
logger.warn(`Undoing patch group ${patch.find} by ${patch.plugin} because replacement ${replacement.match} errored`);
mod = previousMod;
code = previousCode;
mod = lastMod;
code = lastCode;
if (!patch.all) patches.splice(i--, 1);
@ -68,20 +68,16 @@ export const filters = {
export const subscriptions = new Map<FilterFn, CallbackFn>();
export const listeners = new Set<CallbackFn>();
export type CallbackFn = (mod: any, id: string) => void;
export function _initWebpack(instance: typeof window.webpackChunkdiscord_app) {
if (cache !== void 0) throw "no.";
export const subscriptions = new Map<FilterFn, CallbackFn>();
export const moduleListeners = new Set<CallbackFn>();
export const factoryListeners = new Set<(factory: (module: any, exports: any, require: WebpackInstance) => void) => void>();
export const beforeInitListeners = new Set<(wreq: WebpackInstance) => void>();
instance.push([[Symbol("Vencord")], {}, r => wreq = r]);
if (!wreq) return false;
cache = wreq.c;
return true;
export function _initWebpack(webpackRequire: WebpackInstance) {
wreq = webpackRequire;
cache = webpackRequire.c;
let devToolsOpen = false;
@ -425,7 +421,7 @@ export async function extractAndLoadChunks(code: string[], matcher: RegExp = Def
const match = module.toString().match(canonicalizeMatch(matcher));
if (!match) {
const err = new Error("extractAndLoadChunks: Couldn't find entry point id in module factory code");
const err = new Error("extractAndLoadChunks: Couldn't find chunk loading in module factory code");
logger.warn(err, "Code:", code, "Matcher:", matcher);
// Strict behaviour in DevBuilds to fail early and make sure the issue is found
@ -491,14 +487,6 @@ export function waitFor(filter: string | string[] | FilterFn, callback: Callback
subscriptions.set(filter, callback);
export function addListener(callback: CallbackFn) {
export function removeListener(callback: CallbackFn) {
* Search modules by keyword. This searches the factory methods,
* meaning you can search all sorts of things, displayName, methodName, strings somewhere in the code, etc
Add table
Reference in a new issue