(resolve => {
title: "Hold on!",
You are trying to send/edit a message that contains a FakeNitro emoji or sticker,
however you do not have permissions to embed links in the current channel.
Are you sure you want to send this message? Your FakeNitro items will appear as a link only.
You can disable this notice in the plugin settings.
confirmText: "Send Anyway",
cancelText: "Cancel",
secondaryConfirmText: "Do not show again",
onConfirm: () => resolve(true),
onCloseCallback: () => setImmediate(() => resolve(false)),
onConfirmSecondary() {
settings.store.disableEmbedPermissionCheck = true;
this.preSend = addPreSendListener(async (channelId, messageObj, extra) => {
const { guildId } = this;
let hasBypass = false;
stickerBypass: {
if (!s.enableStickerBypass)
break stickerBypass;
const sticker = StickerStore.getStickerById(extra.stickers?.[0]!);
if (!sticker)
break stickerBypass;
// Discord Stickers are now free yayyy!! :D
if ("pack_id" in sticker)
break stickerBypass;
const canUseStickers = this.canUseStickers && hasExternalStickerPerms(channelId);
if (sticker.available !== false && (canUseStickers || sticker.guild_id === guildId))
break stickerBypass;
// [12/12/2023]
// Work around an annoying bug where getStickerLink will return StickerType.GIF,
// but will give us a normal non animated png for no reason
// TODO: Remove this workaround when it's not needed anymore
let link = this.getStickerLink(sticker.id);
if (sticker.format_type === StickerType.GIF && link.includes(".png")) {
link = link.replace(".png", ".gif");
if (sticker.format_type === StickerType.APNG) {
if (!hasAttachmentPerms(channelId)) {
title: "Hold on!",
You cannot send this message because it contains an animated FakeNitro sticker,
and you do not have permissions to attach files in the current channel. Please remove the sticker to proceed.
} else {
this.sendAnimatedSticker(link, sticker.id, channelId);
return { cancel: true };
} else {
hasBypass = true;
const url = new URL(link);
url.searchParams.set("name", sticker.name);
const linkText = s.hyperLinkText.replaceAll("{{NAME}}", sticker.name);
messageObj.content += `${getWordBoundary(messageObj.content, messageObj.content.length - 1)}${s.useHyperLinks ? `[${linkText}](${url})` : url}`;
extra.stickers!.length = 0;
if (s.enableEmojiBypass) {
for (const emoji of messageObj.validNonShortcutEmojis) {
if (this.canUseEmote(emoji, channelId)) continue;
hasBypass = true;
const emojiString = `<${emoji.animated ? "a" : ""}:${emoji.originalName || emoji.name}:${emoji.id}>`;
const url = new URL(getEmojiURL(emoji.id, emoji.animated, s.emojiSize));
url.searchParams.set("size", s.emojiSize.toString());
url.searchParams.set("name", emoji.name);
if (emoji.animated) {
url.pathname = url.pathname.replace(".webp", ".gif");
const linkText = s.hyperLinkText.replaceAll("{{NAME}}", emoji.name);
messageObj.content = messageObj.content.replace(emojiString, (match, offset, origStr) => {
return `${getWordBoundary(origStr, offset - 1)}${s.useHyperLinks ? `[${linkText}](${url})` : url}${getWordBoundary(origStr, offset + match.length)}`;
if (hasBypass && !s.disableEmbedPermissionCheck && !hasEmbedPerms(channelId)) {
if (!await cannotEmbedNotice()) {
return { cancel: true };
return { cancel: false };
this.preEdit = addPreEditListener(async (channelId, __, messageObj) => {
if (!s.enableEmojiBypass) return;
let hasBypass = false;
messageObj.content = messageObj.content.replace(/(?/ig, (emojiStr, emojiId, offset, origStr) => {
const emoji = EmojiStore.getCustomEmojiById(emojiId);
if (emoji == null) return emojiStr;
if (this.canUseEmote(emoji, channelId)) return emojiStr;
hasBypass = true;
const url = new URL(getEmojiURL(emoji.id, emoji.animated, s.emojiSize));
url.searchParams.set("size", s.emojiSize.toString());
url.searchParams.set("name", emoji.name);
const linkText = s.hyperLinkText.replaceAll("{{NAME}}", emoji.name);
return `${getWordBoundary(origStr, offset - 1)}${s.useHyperLinks ? `[${linkText}](${url})` : url}${getWordBoundary(origStr, offset + emojiStr.length)}`;
if (hasBypass && !s.disableEmbedPermissionCheck && !hasEmbedPerms(channelId)) {
if (!await cannotEmbedNotice()) {
return { cancel: true };
return { cancel: false };
stop() {