/* * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import { showNotification } from "@api/Notifications"; import { PlainSettings, Settings } from "@api/Settings"; import { moment, Toasts } from "@webpack/common"; import { deflateSync, inflateSync } from "fflate"; import { getCloudAuth, getCloudUrl } from "./cloud"; import { Logger } from "./Logger"; import { relaunch } from "./native"; import { chooseFile, saveFile } from "./web"; export async function importSettings(data: string) { try { var parsed = JSON.parse(data); } catch (err) { console.log(data); throw new Error("Failed to parse JSON: " + String(err)); } if ("settings" in parsed && "quickCss" in parsed) { Object.assign(PlainSettings, parsed.settings); await VencordNative.settings.set(parsed.settings); await VencordNative.quickCss.set(parsed.quickCss); } else throw new Error("Invalid Settings. Is this even a Equicord Settings file?"); } export async function exportSettings({ minify }: { minify?: boolean; } = {}) { const settings = VencordNative.settings.get(); const quickCss = await VencordNative.quickCss.get(); return JSON.stringify({ settings, quickCss }, null, minify ? undefined : 4); } export async function downloadSettingsBackup() { const filename = `vencord-settings-backup-${moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD")}.json`; const backup = await exportSettings(); const data = new TextEncoder().encode(backup); if (IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP) { DiscordNative.fileManager.saveWithDialog(data, filename); } else { saveFile(new File([data], filename, { type: "application/json" })); } } const toast = (type: number, message: string) => Toasts.show({ type, message, id: Toasts.genId() }); const toastSuccess = () => toast(Toasts.Type.SUCCESS, "Settings successfully imported. Restart to apply changes!"); const toastFailure = (err: any) => toast(Toasts.Type.FAILURE, `Failed to import settings: ${String(err)}`); export async function uploadSettingsBackup(showToast = true): Promise { if (IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP) { const [file] = await DiscordNative.fileManager.openFiles({ filters: [ { name: "Equicord Settings Backup", extensions: ["json"] }, { name: "all", extensions: ["*"] } ] }); if (file) { try { await importSettings(new TextDecoder().decode(file.data)); if (showToast) toastSuccess(); } catch (err) { new Logger("SettingsSync").error(err); if (showToast) toastFailure(err); } } } else { const file = await chooseFile("application/json"); if (!file) return; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = async () => { try { await importSettings(reader.result as string); if (showToast) toastSuccess(); } catch (err) { new Logger("SettingsSync").error(err); if (showToast) toastFailure(err); } }; reader.readAsText(file); } } // Cloud settings const cloudSettingsLogger = new Logger("Cloud:Settings", "#39b7e0"); export async function putCloudSettings(manual?: boolean) { const settings = await exportSettings({ minify: true }); try { const res = await fetch(new URL("/v1/settings", getCloudUrl()), { method: "PUT", headers: { Authorization: await getCloudAuth(), "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream" }, body: deflateSync(new TextEncoder().encode(settings)) }); if (!res.ok) { cloudSettingsLogger.error(`Failed to sync up, API returned ${res.status}`); showNotification({ title: "Cloud Settings", body: `Could not synchronize settings to cloud (API returned ${res.status}).`, color: "var(--red-360)" }); return; } const { written } = await res.json(); PlainSettings.cloud.settingsSyncVersion = written; VencordNative.settings.set(PlainSettings); cloudSettingsLogger.info("Settings uploaded to cloud successfully"); if (manual) { showNotification({ title: "Cloud Settings", body: "Synchronized settings to the cloud!", noPersist: true, }); } } catch (e: any) { cloudSettingsLogger.error("Failed to sync up", e); showNotification({ title: "Cloud Settings", body: `Could not synchronize settings to the cloud (${e.toString()}).`, color: "var(--red-360)" }); } } export async function getCloudSettings(shouldNotify = true, force = false) { try { const res = await fetch(new URL("/v1/settings", getCloudUrl()), { method: "GET", headers: { Authorization: await getCloudAuth(), Accept: "application/octet-stream", "If-None-Match": Settings.cloud.settingsSyncVersion.toString() }, }); if (res.status === 404) { cloudSettingsLogger.info("No settings on the cloud"); if (shouldNotify) showNotification({ title: "Cloud Settings", body: "There are no settings in the cloud.", noPersist: true }); return false; } if (res.status === 304) { cloudSettingsLogger.info("Settings up to date"); if (shouldNotify) showNotification({ title: "Cloud Settings", body: "Your settings are up to date.", noPersist: true }); return false; } if (!res.ok) { cloudSettingsLogger.error(`Failed to sync down, API returned ${res.status}`); showNotification({ title: "Cloud Settings", body: `Could not synchronize settings from the cloud (API returned ${res.status}).`, color: "var(--red-360)" }); return false; } const written = Number(res.headers.get("etag")!); const localWritten = Settings.cloud.settingsSyncVersion; // don't need to check for written > localWritten because the server will return 304 due to if-none-match if (!force && written < localWritten) { if (shouldNotify) showNotification({ title: "Cloud Settings", body: "Your local settings are newer than the cloud ones.", noPersist: true, }); return; } const data = await res.arrayBuffer(); const settings = new TextDecoder().decode(inflateSync(new Uint8Array(data))); await importSettings(settings); // sync with server timestamp instead of local one PlainSettings.cloud.settingsSyncVersion = written; VencordNative.settings.set(PlainSettings); cloudSettingsLogger.info("Settings loaded from cloud successfully"); if (shouldNotify) showNotification({ title: "Cloud Settings", body: "Your settings have been updated! Click here to restart to fully apply changes!", color: "var(--green-360)", onClick: IS_WEB ? () => location.reload() : relaunch, noPersist: true }); return true; } catch (e: any) { cloudSettingsLogger.error("Failed to sync down", e); showNotification({ title: "Cloud Settings", body: `Could not synchronize settings from the cloud (${e.toString()}).`, color: "var(--red-360)" }); return false; } } export async function deleteCloudSettings() { try { const res = await fetch(new URL("/v1/settings", getCloudUrl()), { method: "DELETE", headers: { Authorization: await getCloudAuth() }, }); if (!res.ok) { cloudSettingsLogger.error(`Failed to delete, API returned ${res.status}`); showNotification({ title: "Cloud Settings", body: `Could not delete settings (API returned ${res.status}).`, color: "var(--red-360)" }); return; } cloudSettingsLogger.info("Settings deleted from cloud successfully"); showNotification({ title: "Cloud Settings", body: "Settings deleted from cloud!", color: "var(--green-360)" }); } catch (e: any) { cloudSettingsLogger.error("Failed to delete", e); showNotification({ title: "Cloud Settings", body: `Could not delete settings (${e.toString()}).`, color: "var(--red-360)" }); } }