diff --git a/src/libpoketube/init/pages-video.js b/src/libpoketube/init/pages-video.js
index f03954e2..89e49793 100644
--- a/src/libpoketube/init/pages-video.js
+++ b/src/libpoketube/init/pages-video.js
@@ -190,23 +190,24 @@ module.exports = function (app, config, renderTemplate) {
- app.get("/watch", async (req, res) => {
- const { dm, region, hl, v, e, r, f, m, quality: q, a, universe, } = req.query;
+app.get("/watch", async (req, res) => {
+ const { dm, region, hl, v, e, r, f, m, quality: q, a, universe } = req.query;
- if (!v) {
- return res.redirect("/");
- }
+ if (!v) {
+ return res.redirect("/");
+ }
- const regex = new RegExp("^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})");
- const isMatch = regex.test(v);
+ const regex = new RegExp("^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})");
+ const isMatch = regex.test(v);
- if (!isMatch) {
- return res.redirect("/");
- }
+ if (!isMatch) {
+ return res.redirect("/");
+ }
- var contentlang = hl || "en-US";
- var contentregion = region || "US";
+ var contentlang = hl || "en-US";
+ var contentregion = region || "US";
+ try {
const isVideoValid = await INNERTUBE.isvalidvideo(v);
if (!isVideoValid) {
return res.redirect("/?fromerror=21_video_not_valid");
@@ -217,175 +218,163 @@ module.exports = function (app, config, renderTemplate) {
const secure = ["poketube.fun"].includes(req.hostname);
const verify = req.hostname === "poketube.sudovanilla.com";
- INNERTUBE.getYouTubeApiVideo(f, v, contentlang, contentregion).then(
- (data) => {
- try {
- const k = data?.video;
- const channel_uploads = data?.channel_uploads;
- const json = data?.json;
- const engagement = data?.engagement;
- const inv_comments = data?.comments || "Disabled";
- const inv_vid = data?.vid;
- const desc = data?.desc || "";
+ // Wrap the API call in a try/catch to handle any errors
+ try {
+ const data = await INNERTUBE.getYouTubeApiVideo(f, v, contentlang, contentregion);
+ const k = data?.video;
+ const channel_uploads = data?.channel_uploads;
+ const json = data?.json;
+ const engagement = data?.engagement;
+ const inv_comments = data?.comments || "Disabled";
+ const inv_vid = data?.vid;
+ const desc = data?.desc || "";
if (k?.Error) {
return res.status(404).send("404: Not Found");
- let d = false;
- if (desc !== "[object Object]") {
- d = desc.toString().replace(/\n/g, "
- }
- const descriptionString = String(inv_vid?.description).replace(/\bx.com\b/, "twitter.com")
- function extractInfo(regex) {
- return descriptionString !== "[object Object]"
- ? (regex.exec(descriptionString) ?? {}).groups
- : undefined;
- }
- const support = extractInfo(PATREON_REGEX);
- const linkto = extractInfo(LNKTO_REGEX);
- const discord = extractInfo(CORD_REGEX);
- const twitch = extractInfo(TWITCH_REGEX);
- const reddit = extractInfo(REDDIT_REGEX);
- /* meta software */
- const instagram = extractInfo(INSTAGRAM_REGEX);
- const threads_by_instagram = extractInfo(THREADS_BY_INSTAGRAM_REGEX);
- const videoObject = inv_vid?.adaptiveFormats;
- function findItag(adaptiveFormats) {
- return;
- }
- const itag_hd = findItag(videoObject);
- var proxyurl = config.p_url;
- var vidurl = u.url;
- var isvidious = u.isInvidiousURL;
- var mediaproxy = config.media_proxy;
- if (inv_vid?.genre === "Music") {
- var vidurl = u.losslessurl;
- }
- var vidurl = config.videourl;
- var isvidious = true;
- if (req.useragent.source.includes("Pardus")) {
- var vidurl = "https://iv.ggtyler.dev";
- var mediaproxy = "https://nyc1.pokejan.ggtyler.dev/";
- var isvidious = true;
- var isSchoolProxy = "";
- }
- // unused
- let badges = "";
- let comments = "";
- let nnn = "";
- const dnt_val = isDntEnabled(req);
- if (
- inv_vid?.error ===
- "The uploader has not made this video available in your country" ||
- inv_vid?.error === "This video is not available"
- ) {
- res.send(
- "error: " + inv_vid.error + " please refresh the page please qt"
- );
- }
- if (inv_vid?.error) {
- renderTemplate(res, req, "404.ejs", {
- v,
- });
- }
- var uaos = req.useragent.os;
- const browser = req.useragent.browser;
- const IsOldWindows =
- (uaos === "Windows 7" || uaos === "Windows 8") &&
- browser === "Firefox";
- if (uaos === "Windows XP" || uaos === "Windows Vista")
- res.redirect("/lite?v=" + req.query.v);
- if (req.useragent.source.includes("Nintendo WiiU"))
- res.redirect("/lite?v=" + req.query.v);
- if (req.query.from === "short") var shortsui = true;
- try {
- renderTemplate(res, req, "poketube.ejs", {
- color: data.color,
- color2: data.color2,
- linkify,
- engagement,
- linkto,
- IsOldWindows,
- channelurlfixer,
- itag_hd,
- support,
- shortsui,
- u: vidurl,
- isvidious: isvidious,
- video: json,
- date: k.Video.uploadDate,
- e,
- a,
- k,
- dm,
- proxyurl,
- media_proxy_url: mediaproxy,
- instagram,
- useragent: req.useragent,
- verify,
- discord,
- turntomins,
- twitch,
- dnt_val,
- reddit,
- channel_uploads,
- secure,
- process,
- isSchoolProxy,
- sha384,
- lightOrDark,
- isMobile: req.useragent.isMobile,
- tj: data.channel,
- r,
- threads:threads_by_instagram,
- qua: q,
- inv: inv_comments,
- convert,
- universe,
- wiki: data.wiki,
- escapeHtml,
- f,
- t: config.t_url,
- optout: m,
- badges,
- desc,
- comments,
- n: nnn,
- inv_vid,
- lyrics: "",
- });
- } catch {
- return;
- }
- } catch (error) {
- console.error(error);
- return res.redirect(`/watch?v=${req.query.v}&fx=1&err=${error}`);
- }
+ let d = false;
+ if (desc !== "[object Object]") {
+ d = desc.toString().replace(/\n/g, "
- );
- });
+ const descriptionString = String(inv_vid?.description).replace(/\bx.com\b/, "twitter.com");
+ function extractInfo(regex) {
+ return descriptionString !== "[object Object]"
+ ? (regex.exec(descriptionString) ?? {}).groups
+ : undefined;
+ }
+ const support = extractInfo(PATREON_REGEX);
+ const twitter = extractInfo(TWITTER_REGEX);
+ const linkto = extractInfo(LNKTO_REGEX);
+ const discord = extractInfo(CORD_REGEX);
+ const twitch = extractInfo(TWITCH_REGEX);
+ const reddit = extractInfo(REDDIT_REGEX);
+ const instagram = extractInfo(INSTAGRAM_REGEX);
+ const threads_by_instagram = extractInfo(THREADS_BY_INSTAGRAM_REGEX);
+ const videoObject = inv_vid?.adaptiveFormats;
+ function findItag(adaptiveFormats) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const itag_hd = findItag(videoObject);
+ var proxyurl = config.p_url;
+ var vidurl = u.url;
+ var isvidious = u.isInvidiousURL;
+ var mediaproxy = config.media_proxy;
+ if (inv_vid?.genre === "Music") {
+ vidurl = u.losslessurl;
+ }
+ vidurl = config.videourl;
+ isvidious = true;
+ if (req.useragent.source.includes("Pardus")) {
+ vidurl = "https://iv.ggtyler.dev";
+ mediaproxy = "https://nyc1.pokejan.ggtyler.dev/";
+ isvidious = true;
+ }
+ const dnt_val = isDntEnabled(req);
+ if (inv_vid?.error === "The uploader has not made this video available in your country" || inv_vid?.error === "This video is not available") {
+ return res.status(403).send("error: " + inv_vid.error + " please refresh the page");
+ }
+ if (inv_vid?.error) {
+ return renderTemplate(res, req, "404.ejs", {
+ v,
+ });
+ }
+ var uaos = req.useragent.os;
+ const browser = req.useragent.browser;
+ const IsOldWindows = (uaos === "Windows 7" || uaos === "Windows 8") && browser === "Firefox";
+ if (uaos === "Windows XP" || uaos === "Windows Vista") {
+ return res.redirect("/lite?v=" + req.query.v);
+ }
+ if (req.useragent.source.includes("Nintendo WiiU")) {
+ return res.redirect("/lite?v=" + req.query.v);
+ }
+ if (req.query.from === "short") var shortsui = true;
+ renderTemplate(res, req, "poketube.ejs", {
+ color: data.color,
+ color2: data.color2,
+ linkify,
+ engagement,
+ linkto,
+ IsOldWindows,
+ channelurlfixer,
+ itag_hd,
+ support,
+ shortsui,
+ u: vidurl,
+ isvidious,
+ video: json,
+ date: k.Video.uploadDate,
+ e,
+ a,
+ twitter,
+ k,
+ dm,
+ proxyurl,
+ media_proxy_url: mediaproxy,
+ instagram,
+ useragent: req.useragent,
+ verify,
+ discord,
+ turntomins,
+ twitch,
+ dnt_val,
+ reddit,
+ channel_uploads,
+ secure,
+ process,
+ isSchoolProxy,
+ sha384,
+ lightOrDark,
+ isMobile: req.useragent.isMobile,
+ tj: data.channel,
+ r,
+ threads: threads_by_instagram,
+ qua: q,
+ inv: inv_comments,
+ convert,
+ universe,
+ wiki: data.wiki,
+ escapeHtml,
+ f,
+ t: config.t_url,
+ optout: m,
+ badges,
+ desc,
+ comments,
+ n: nnn,
+ inv_vid,
+ lyrics: "",
+ });
+ } catch (fetchError) {
+ // Handle fetch errors (like timeouts)
+ console.error("Error fetching video data: ", fetchError);
+ return res.status(500).send("Error fetching video data");
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("Error during processing: ", error);
+ return res.status(500).send("Internal Server Error");
+ }
app.get("/lite", async (req, res) => {
const { dm, region, hl, v, e, r, f, m, quality: q, a, universe, } = req.query;