# poke-videobundler Takes 2 input streams, downloads them, and spits out a combined file. ## Installation 1. Make sure `ffmpeg`, `wget`, and Python 3 are all installed. 2. Download the program files to your computer - `main.py` and `.env.example`. 3. Run `python3 -m pip install flask python-dotenv waitress`. ## Configuration 1. Run `mv .env.example .env`, **even if you don't want to configure anything**. 2. Edit and fill in the values if needed. ## Usage 1. `python3 main.py`. 2. If everything went well, you shouldn't see any output at launch. 3. You will now be able to call the server at the configured port. ## Endpoints - `/`: Will return `{success:true}` if alive. - `/get_merged_video?id=VIDEO_ID&audio_itag=AUDIO_ITAG&video_itag=VIDEO_ITAG`: Returns a merged video. ID is the youtube video ID, and itags are self explanatory.