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                  <% if (inv_vid.genre != "Music") { %> 

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                      		 	               <% } %>   
     <% if (inv_vid.genre === "Music") { %> 

              <a class="class" href="/143" style=font-family:Inter,sans-serif;color:#fff>  <img style="transform: scale(1.3);padding-left:0.9em;width: 7.5em;display: block;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;" src="/css/music.svg?v=5"></a>
                      		 	               <% } %>   
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<video class="player" id="<%=sha384(inv_vid.videoId)%>" style="border-radius: 0px:mrgin-left: -5.5px;" autoplay controls   
              <% if (isvidious) { %>
                                                <source src="<%=u%>/latest_version?id=<%=inv_vid.videoId%>&itag=18&local=true" type="video/mp4; codecs=&quot;avc1.64001F, mp4a.40.2&quot;" label="sd360" selected="true">
                                                                                                        <% } %>                     

              <% if (!isvidious) { %>
                                                <source src="https://tube.kuylar.dev/proxy/media/<%=inv_vid.videoId%>/18" type="video/mp4; codecs=&quot;avc1.64001F, mp4a.40.2&quot;" label="sd360" selected="true">
                                                                                                        <% } %>                     

    <% if (  video?.Subtitles?.Subtitle) { %>  
     <%  if (Array.isArray( video?.Subtitles?.Subtitle)) { %> 
   <% video.Subtitles.Subtitle.forEach(x => { %>
     <track src="/api/subtitles?v=<%=inv_vid.videoId%>&h=<%= x.language %>" label="<%= x.language.replace("United States","Simplified - USA") %>" kind="subtitles">      
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         <% }) %>   
                                                                                                       <% } %>                     
     <%  if (!Array.isArray( video.Subtitles.Subtitle)) { %> 
     <track src="/api/subtitles?v=<%=inv_vid.videoId%>&h=<%=  video.Subtitles.Subtitle.language %>" label="<%=  video.Subtitles.Subtitle.language.replace("United States","Simplified - USA") %>" kind="subtitles">      
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                                                           <% } %>         
                                                           <% } %>         
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<div class="video-info" >           
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            <div class="video-title" style="font-family:Inter;font-weight:bold;line-break: auto;max-width: max-content;margin: 0;margin-bottom: 0;padding: 0;" title="<%=inv_vid.title%>"><%=inv_vid.title%> </div>
          <a style="font-weight: bolder;font-family: sans-serif;color: #fff;font-size: small;"> <%=convert(engagement.viewCount)%> Views - By <%=k.Video.Channel.Name%></a>
<div class="video-info-buttons pill" >
<div style="margin-top: -3em;display: flex;">
 <div style="text-align: center;font-size: x-large;margin: 9px;">
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<div style="text-align: center;font-size: x-large;margin: 9px;">
 </p><p style="font-size: 17px;margin-top: -2em;">Dislikes</p>

  <a href="https://tube.kuylar.dev/proxy/media/<%=inv_vid.videoId%>/18" style="text-align: center;font-size: x-large;margin: 9px;">
                    <i class="fa-light fa-download"></i>

 </p><p style="font-size: 17px;margin-top: -2em;">Download</p>





<div class="video-sub-info description">

  <div class="video-title" style="color:#fff;font-family:'PokeTube Flex';font-weight:1000;font-stretch: extra-expanded;margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 10px;">Description</div>
 <hr style="clear: both;display: block;border: none;border-bottom: 0.5px solid #2f2f2f;/*! width: 4.5em; */height: 0;">
          <% if (String(inv_vid.descriptionHtml) != "undefined")  { %>
         <% if (String(inv_vid.descriptionHtml) != " ")  { %>

              <%-linkify(String(inv_vid.description)).replace(/\n/g, " <br> ").replace(/twitter\.com/g, "nitter.net").replace(/reddit\.com/g, "teddit.net") %>
                          <% } %>                                  <% } %>          

                                                 <hr style="clear: both;display: block;border: none;border-bottom: 0.5px solid #2f2f2f;/*! width: 4.5em; */height: 0;">
     <%  if (Array.isArray(video?.Tags?.Tag)) { %> 

                            <div class="video-title" style="color:#fff;font-family:'PokeTube Flex';font-weight:1000;font-stretch: extra-expanded;margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom: 10px;">Tags</div>
                      <div class="tags">
 <% video.Tags.Tag.forEach(x => { %>
 <div class="tag">
   <a href="/hashtag/<%=x %>" style="color:#fff">
   <%=x %>
         <% }) %>  
           <hr style="clear: both;display: block;border: none;border-bottom: 0.5px solid #2f2f2f;/*! width: 4.5em; */height: 0;">
            <% } %>  



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 <div class="video-pill-buttons">
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<i class="fa-light fa-thumbs-down"></i> <%=convert(engagement.dislikes)%>


					<a title="Download this Video :3" style="color:#fff;text-decoration: none; " href="/download?v=<%=inv_vid.videoId%>">
            <i class="fa-light fa-download"></i>
 <% if (!k.Video.Channel.Name.endsWith(' - Topic')) { %> 
    <% if (!inv_vid.title.endsWith('Audio)')) { %> 

					<a title="Encryption duh" style="color:#fff;text-decoration: none;" href="/encryption?v=<%=inv_vid.videoId%>">
               <i class="fa-light fa-shield"></i>
                                                                          <% }%>                                                                              <% }%>      
                                                                             <% if (k.Video.Channel.Name.endsWith(' - Topic') || inv_vid.title.endsWith('Audio)')) { %> 
                            <% if (k.Video.Channel.Name.endsWith(' - Topic') || inv_vid.title.endsWith('Audio)'))  { %> 
                                                 					<a title="open this song in poketube music player :3" style="color:#fff;text-decoration: none;" href="/music?v=<%=inv_vid.videoId%>">
          <i class="fa-light fa-music"></i>
                  Open In Music Player

                                                                       <% }%>                     
                                                                          <% }%>      


               <div style="display:none;">

                 <% if(!inv.comments) { %>  

                                                         <% } %>

                      <% if(inv.comments) { %>  

                                                         <% } %>

<div class="recommended-list" align="center">

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 <div class="video-title" style="text-align:left;font-family:'PokeTube Flex';font-weight:1000;white-space:yes;font-stretch: extra-expanded;">                                  Recommendations 
                              <% if (!f) { %> 
     <% k.Video.Recommendations.Video.forEach(x => { %>       
 						<div class="video" >
                    <% if (!optout) { %> 

      <a  href="/lite?v=<%= x.id %>" class="thumbnail" style="background-image: url('https://p.poketube.fun/https://i.ytimg.com/vi/<%= x.id %>/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEbCKgBEF5IVfKriqkDDggBFQAAiEIYAXABwAEG&rs=AOn4CLBy_x4UUHLNDZtJtH0PXeQGoRFTgw');border-radius: 9.5px;"  >								<span class="video-length"><%=x.duration || "LIVE" %></span>
                           <% } %>
   <% if (optout) { %> 

      <a  href="/lite?v=<%= x.id %>&t=f" class="thumbnail" style="background-image: url('https://p.poketube.fun/https://i.ytimg.com/vi/<%= x.id %>/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEbCKgBEF5IVfKriqkDDggBFQAAiEIYAXABwAEG&rs=AOn4CLBy_x4UUHLNDZtJtH0PXeQGoRFTgw');border-radius: 9.5px;"  >								<span class="video-length"><%- x.duration || "LIVE"%></span>
                           <% } %>
							<div class="info">
      <% if (!optout) { %> 
								<a href="/lite?v=<%= x.id %>" class="title max-lines-2" title="<%= x.Title %>" style="font-stretch: 100%;font-weight: 800;"><%= x.Title %></a>
                   <% } %>
   <% if (optout) { %> 
								<a href="/lite?v=<%= x.id %>&t=f" class="title max-lines-2" title="<%= x.Title %>" style="font-stretch: 100%;font-weight: 800;"><%= x.Title %></a>
                   <% } %>
               <a class="max-lines-2" href="/channel?id=<%= x.Channel.id %>" style="-webkit-line-clamp: 1;width: 12em;word-wrap: break-word;"><%=x.Channel.Name %></a>
									<div class="video-views">  <%= x.uploadedAt.replace("Streamed", "Live") %> • <%= convert(x.views) %> views </div>
       <% }) %>   
                            <% } %>
                                                          <% } %>



  <% } %>