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          <i style="display: block;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;" class="fa-light fa-video"></i>
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                                                                       <h1 style="font-family:'Ginto Nord',sans-serif;font-weight:900;white-space:yes;" align="center">
<p style="overflow: auto;overflow-x: hidden;height: 12em;">
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      <img class="img" src="https://p.poketube.fun/<%=info.artwork%>"/>
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              <div class="video-title center" style="font-family:Inter;font-weight:900;white-space:yes;text-align: left;">             <%=info.artist%>
<div style="margin-top: 7px;">
<i class="fa-solid fa-heart"></i> <%=engagement.likes.toLocaleString()%> 
                     <i class="fas fa-shield-alt"></i><a style="color:#fff" href="/encryption?v=<%=video.id%>"> Encryption </a>
     		<a style="color:#fff" href="/download?v=<%=video.id%>">
            <i class="fa-light fa-download"></i>
<div style="position: fixed;bottom: 0;right: 0;margin: 67px;text-decoration: none;">
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      <div class="downnav">
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          <!-- if you want to change the url - please see config in server.js  -->
         <!-- START <%=t%> -->  
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