using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Decoders;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;

using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Instructions.InstEmitHelper;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper;

namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Instructions
    static partial class InstEmit
        public static void Ald(EmitterContext context)
            OpCodeAttribute op = (OpCodeAttribute)context.CurrOp;

            Operand primVertex = context.Copy(GetSrcC(context));

            for (int index = 0; index < op.Count; index++)
                Register rd = new Register(op.Rd.Index + index, RegisterType.Gpr);

                if (rd.IsRZ)

                Operand src = Attribute(op.AttributeOffset + index * 4);

                context.Copy(Register(rd), context.LoadAttribute(src, primVertex));

        public static void Ast(EmitterContext context)
            OpCodeAttribute op = (OpCodeAttribute)context.CurrOp;

            for (int index = 0; index < op.Count; index++)
                if (op.Rd.Index + index > RegisterConsts.RegisterZeroIndex)

                Register rd = new Register(op.Rd.Index + index, RegisterType.Gpr);

                Operand dest = Attribute(op.AttributeOffset + index * 4);

                context.Copy(dest, Register(rd));

        public static void Ipa(EmitterContext context)
            OpCodeIpa op = (OpCodeIpa)context.CurrOp;

            InterpolationQualifier iq = InterpolationQualifier.None;

            switch (op.Mode)
                case InterpolationMode.Pass: iq = InterpolationQualifier.NoPerspective; break;

            Operand srcA = Attribute(op.AttributeOffset, iq);

            Operand srcB = GetSrcB(context);

            Operand res = context.FPSaturate(srcA, op.Saturate);

            context.Copy(GetDest(context), res);

        public static void Isberd(EmitterContext context)
            // This instruction performs a load from ISBE memory,
            // however it seems to be only used to get some vertex
            // input data, so we instead propagate the offset so that
            // it can be used on the attribute load.
            context.Copy(GetDest(context), GetSrcA(context));

        public static void Ld(EmitterContext context)
            LoadLocalOrGlobal(context, isGlobal: false);

        public static void Ldc(EmitterContext context)
            OpCodeLdc op = (OpCodeLdc)context.CurrOp;

            if (op.Size > IntegerSize.B64)
                // TODO: Warning.

            bool isSmallInt = op.Size < IntegerSize.B32;

            int count = op.Size == IntegerSize.B64 ? 2 : 1;

            Operand wordOffset = context.ShiftRightU32(GetSrcA(context), Const(2));

            wordOffset = context.IAdd(wordOffset, Const(op.Offset));

            Operand bitOffset = GetBitOffset(context, GetSrcA(context));

            for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
                Register rd = new Register(op.Rd.Index + index, RegisterType.Gpr);

                if (rd.IsRZ)

                Operand offset = context.IAdd(wordOffset, Const(index));

                Operand value = context.LoadConstant(Const(op.Slot), offset);

                if (isSmallInt)
                    value = ExtractSmallInt(context, op.Size, wordOffset, value);

                context.Copy(Register(rd), value);

        public static void Ldg(EmitterContext context)
            LoadLocalOrGlobal(context, isGlobal: true);

        public static void Out(EmitterContext context)
            OpCode op = context.CurrOp;

            bool emit = op.RawOpCode.Extract(39);
            bool cut  = op.RawOpCode.Extract(40);

            if (!(emit || cut))
                // TODO: Warning.

            if (emit)

            if (cut)

        public static void St(EmitterContext context)
            StoreLocalOrGlobal(context, isGlobal: false);

        public static void Stg(EmitterContext context)
            StoreLocalOrGlobal(context, isGlobal: true);

        private static void LoadLocalOrGlobal(EmitterContext context, bool isGlobal)
            OpCodeMemory op = (OpCodeMemory)context.CurrOp;

            if (op.Size > IntegerSize.B128)
                // TODO: Warning.

            bool isSmallInt = op.Size < IntegerSize.B32;

            int count = 1;

            switch (op.Size)
                case IntegerSize.B64:  count = 2; break;
                case IntegerSize.B128: count = 4; break;

            Operand baseOffset = context.IAdd(GetSrcA(context), Const(op.Offset));

            // Word offset = byte offset / 4 (one word = 4 bytes).
            Operand wordOffset = context.ShiftRightU32(baseOffset, Const(2));

            Operand bitOffset = GetBitOffset(context, baseOffset);

            for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
                Register rd = new Register(op.Rd.Index + index, RegisterType.Gpr);

                if (rd.IsRZ)

                Operand offset = context.IAdd(wordOffset, Const(index));

                Operand value = isGlobal
                    ? context.LoadGlobal(offset)
                    : context.LoadLocal (offset);

                if (isSmallInt)
                    value = ExtractSmallInt(context, op.Size, bitOffset, value);

                context.Copy(Register(rd), value);

        private static void StoreLocalOrGlobal(EmitterContext context, bool isGlobal)
            OpCodeMemory op = (OpCodeMemory)context.CurrOp;

            if (op.Size > IntegerSize.B128)
                // TODO: Warning.

            bool isSmallInt = op.Size < IntegerSize.B32;

            int count = 1;

            switch (op.Size)
                case IntegerSize.B64:  count = 2; break;
                case IntegerSize.B128: count = 4; break;

            Operand baseOffset = context.IAdd(GetSrcA(context), Const(op.Offset));

            Operand wordOffset = context.ShiftRightU32(baseOffset, Const(2));

            Operand bitOffset = GetBitOffset(context, baseOffset);

            for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
                Register rd = new Register(op.Rd.Index + index, RegisterType.Gpr);

                if (rd.IsRZ)

                Operand value = Register(rd);

                Operand offset = context.IAdd(wordOffset, Const(index));

                if (isSmallInt)
                    Operand word = isGlobal
                         ? context.LoadGlobal(offset)
                         : context.LoadLocal (offset);

                    value = InsertSmallInt(context, op.Size, bitOffset, word, value);

                if (isGlobal)
                    context.StoreGlobal(offset, value);
                    context.StoreLocal(offset, value);

        private static Operand GetBitOffset(EmitterContext context, Operand baseOffset)
            // Note: byte offset = (baseOffset & 0b11) * 8.
            // Addresses should be always aligned to the integer type,
            // so we don't need to take unaligned addresses into account.
            return context.ShiftLeft(context.BitwiseAnd(baseOffset, Const(3)), Const(3));

        private static Operand ExtractSmallInt(
            EmitterContext context,
            IntegerSize    size,
            Operand        bitOffset,
            Operand        value)
            value = context.ShiftRightU32(value, bitOffset);

            switch (size)
                case IntegerSize.U8:  value = ZeroExtendTo32(context, value, 8);  break;
                case IntegerSize.U16: value = ZeroExtendTo32(context, value, 16); break;
                case IntegerSize.S8:  value = SignExtendTo32(context, value, 8);  break;
                case IntegerSize.S16: value = SignExtendTo32(context, value, 16); break;

            return value;

        private static Operand InsertSmallInt(
            EmitterContext context,
            IntegerSize    size,
            Operand        bitOffset,
            Operand        word,
            Operand        value)
            switch (size)
                case IntegerSize.U8:
                case IntegerSize.S8:
                    value = context.BitwiseAnd(value, Const(0xff));
                    value = context.BitfieldInsert(word, value, bitOffset, Const(8));

                case IntegerSize.U16:
                case IntegerSize.S16:
                    value = context.BitwiseAnd(value, Const(0xffff));
                    value = context.BitfieldInsert(word, value, bitOffset, Const(16));

            return value;