using ARMeilleure.CodeGen.Optimizations; using ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation; using ARMeilleure.Translation; using System.Collections.Generic; using static ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper; using static ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation.OperationHelper; namespace ARMeilleure.CodeGen.X86 { static class X86Optimizer { public static void RunPass(ControlFlowGraph cfg) { var constants = new Dictionary<ulong, Operand>(); Operand GetConstantCopy(BasicBlock block, Operation operation, Operand source) { if (!constants.TryGetValue(source.Value, out var constant)) { constant = Local(source.Type); Operation copyOp = Operation(Instruction.Copy, constant, source); block.Operations.AddBefore(operation, copyOp); constants.Add(source.Value, constant); } return constant; } for (BasicBlock block = cfg.Blocks.First; block != null; block = block.ListNext) { constants.Clear(); Node nextNode; for (Node node = block.Operations.First; node != null; node = nextNode) { nextNode = node.ListNext; if (!(node is Operation operation)) { continue; } // Insert copies for constants that can't fit on a 32-bits immediate. // Doing this early unblocks a few optimizations. if (operation.Instruction == Instruction.Add) { Operand src1 = operation.GetSource(0); Operand src2 = operation.GetSource(1); if (src1.Kind == OperandKind.Constant && (src1.Relocatable || CodeGenCommon.IsLongConst(src1))) { operation.SetSource(0, GetConstantCopy(block, operation, src1)); } if (src2.Kind == OperandKind.Constant && (src2.Relocatable || CodeGenCommon.IsLongConst(src2))) { operation.SetSource(1, GetConstantCopy(block, operation, src2)); } } // Try to fold something like: // shl rbx, 2 // add rax, rbx // add rax, 0xcafe // mov rax, [rax] // Into: // mov rax, [rax+rbx*4+0xcafe] if (IsMemoryLoadOrStore(operation.Instruction)) { OperandType type; if (operation.Destination != null) { type = operation.Destination.Type; } else { type = operation.GetSource(1).Type; } MemoryOperand memOp = GetMemoryOperandOrNull(operation.GetSource(0), type); if (memOp != null) { operation.SetSource(0, memOp); } } } } Optimizer.RemoveUnusedNodes(cfg); } private static MemoryOperand GetMemoryOperandOrNull(Operand addr, OperandType type) { Operand baseOp = addr; // First we check if the address is the result of a local X with 32-bits immediate // addition. If that is the case, then the baseOp is X, and the memory operand immediate // becomes the addition immediate. Otherwise baseOp keeps being the address. int imm = GetConstOp(ref baseOp); // Now we check if the baseOp is the result of a local Y with a local Z addition. // If that is the case, we now set baseOp to Y and indexOp to Z. We further check // if Z is the result of a left shift of local W by a value >= 0 and <= 3, if that // is the case, we set indexOp to W and adjust the scale value of the memory operand // to match that of the left shift. // There is one missed case, which is the address being a shift result, but this is // probably not worth optimizing as it should never happen. (Operand indexOp, Multiplier scale) = GetIndexOp(ref baseOp); // If baseOp is still equal to address, then there's nothing that can be optimized. if (baseOp == addr) { return null; } if (imm == 0 && scale == Multiplier.x1 && indexOp != null) { imm = GetConstOp(ref indexOp); } return MemoryOp(type, baseOp, indexOp, scale, imm); } private static int GetConstOp(ref Operand baseOp) { Operation operation = GetAsgOpWithInst(baseOp, Instruction.Add); if (operation == null) { return 0; } Operand src1 = operation.GetSource(0); Operand src2 = operation.GetSource(1); Operand constOp; Operand otherOp; if (src1.Kind == OperandKind.Constant && src2.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable) { constOp = src1; otherOp = src2; } else if (src1.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable && src2.Kind == OperandKind.Constant) { constOp = src2; otherOp = src1; } else { return 0; } // If we have addition by 64-bits constant, then we can't optimize it further, // as we can't encode a 64-bits immediate on the memory operand. if (CodeGenCommon.IsLongConst(constOp)) { return 0; } baseOp = otherOp; return constOp.AsInt32(); } private static (Operand, Multiplier) GetIndexOp(ref Operand baseOp) { Operand indexOp = null; Multiplier scale = Multiplier.x1; Operation addOp = GetAsgOpWithInst(baseOp, Instruction.Add); if (addOp == null) { return (indexOp, scale); } Operand src1 = addOp.GetSource(0); Operand src2 = addOp.GetSource(1); if (src1.Kind != OperandKind.LocalVariable || src2.Kind != OperandKind.LocalVariable) { return (indexOp, scale); } baseOp = src1; indexOp = src2; Operation shlOp = GetAsgOpWithInst(src1, Instruction.ShiftLeft); bool indexOnSrc2 = false; if (shlOp == null) { shlOp = GetAsgOpWithInst(src2, Instruction.ShiftLeft); indexOnSrc2 = true; } if (shlOp != null) { Operand shSrc = shlOp.GetSource(0); Operand shift = shlOp.GetSource(1); if (shSrc.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable && shift.Kind == OperandKind.Constant && shift.Value <= 3) { scale = shift.Value switch { 1 => Multiplier.x2, 2 => Multiplier.x4, 3 => Multiplier.x8, _ => Multiplier.x1 }; baseOp = indexOnSrc2 ? src1 : src2; indexOp = shSrc; } } return (indexOp, scale); } private static Operation GetAsgOpWithInst(Operand op, Instruction inst) { // If we have multiple assignments, folding is not safe // as the value may be different depending on the // control flow path. if (op.Assignments.Count != 1) { return null; } Node asgOp = op.Assignments[0]; if (!(asgOp is Operation operation)) { return null; } if (operation.Instruction != inst) { return null; } return operation; } private static bool IsMemoryLoadOrStore(Instruction inst) { return inst == Instruction.Load || inst == Instruction.Load16 || inst == Instruction.Load8 || inst == Instruction.Store || inst == Instruction.Store16 || inst == Instruction.Store8; } } }