import time import pyrogram from pyrogram import Client, filters, enums, types from pyrogram.types import Message, BotCommand from dotenv import load_dotenv import os load_dotenv() P = ["v", "/"] COMMANDS = [ BotCommand("help", "Get bot help"), BotCommand("minky", "minker"), BotCommand("sync", "(👑) Sync bot commands"), BotCommand("source", "View venbot-tg's source code") ] OWNER_ID = 1911826384 app = Client( "venbot", api_id=os.getenv("API_ID"), api_hash=os.getenv("API_HASH"), bot_token=os.getenv("BOT_TOKEN") ) @app.on_message(filters.command(["help", "h"], prefixes=P)) async def help(client, message: Message): help_message = "--You can either use the `v` prefix or the native `/` commands from Telegram. Both work the same way--\n" for command in COMMANDS: help_message += f"**{command.command}**{' 👑 ' if command.description.startswith('(👑)') else ' '}- {command.description.replace('(👑) ', '')}\n" await message.reply(help_message, parse_mode=enums.ParseMode.MARKDOWN) #region Fun @app.on_message(filters.command(["minky", "mink", "minker"], prefixes=P)) async def minky(client, message: Message): await message.reply_chat_action(enums.ChatAction.UPLOAD_PHOTO) await message.reply_photo(f"{time.time()}") #endregion #region Util @app.on_message(filters.command("sync", prefixes=P)) async def sync(client, message: Message): await message.reply_chat_action(enums.ChatAction.TYPING) if != OWNER_ID: await message.reply_voice("") return await app.set_bot_commands(COMMANDS) await message.reply("done") await message.reply_chat_action(enums.ChatAction.CANCEL) @app.on_message(filters.command(["source", "sc"], prefixes=P)) async def source(client, message: Message): await message.reply("I am free software! You can look at my code on", disable_web_page_preview=True) #endregion