import { Notices } from "@api/index"; import { addAccessory, removeAccessory } from "@api/MessageAccessories"; import { Devs } from "@utils/constants"; import definePlugin, { PluginNative } from "@utils/types"; import { Alerts, Button, ChannelStore, Forms, TextInput, Toasts, Text } from "@webpack/common"; import { Message } from "discord-types/general"; import { clone } from "lodash"; import UserpluginInstallButton from "./UserpluginInstallButton"; import { showInstallModal } from "./UserpluginInstallModal"; import "./style.css"; export let plugins: any[] = []; export const CLONE_LINK_REGEX = /https:\/\/(?:git(?:hub|lab)\.com|git\.(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|\.)+|codeberg\.org)\/(?!user-attachments)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|-)+\/((?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|-)+)(?:\.git)?(?:\/)?/; // @ts-ignore export const Native = VencordNative.pluginHelpers.UserpluginInstaller as PluginNative; export async function clonePlugin(gitLink: RegExpMatchArray) {{ message: "Cloning plugin...", id: Toasts.genId(), type: Toasts.Type.MESSAGE }); try { const path = `${VesktopNative.fileManager.getVencordDir().replace("\\", "/")}/../src/userplugins/${gitLink[1]}`; await Native.cloneRepo(gitLink[0], path); const meta = await Native.getPluginMeta(path); console.log(meta); showInstallModal(meta, path); } catch (e) { Toasts.pop(); return{ message: "Something bad has happened while cloning the plugin, try again later and make sure that the plugin link is valid.", id: Toasts.genId(), type: Toasts.Type.FAILURE }); } } export default definePlugin({ name: "UserpluginInstaller", description: "Install userplugins with a simple button click", authors: [Devs.nin0dev], async start() { plugins = await Native.getPlugins(`${VesktopNative.fileManager.getVencordDir().replace("\\", "/")}/../src/userplugins/`); console.log(plugins); addAccessory("userpluginInstallButton", (props: Record) => ( ), 4); }, stop() { removeAccessory("userpluginInstallButton"); }, toolboxActions: { "Install Plugin": () => { let gitUrl = "";{ title: "Install plugin", body: <> { gitUrl = v; }} placeholder="Git link (" /> , confirmText: "Install", onConfirm() { const fullGitLink = gitUrl.match(CLONE_LINK_REGEX); if (!fullGitLink) return; clonePlugin(fullGitLink); } }); }, "Uninstall Plugin": () => { let name = "";{ title: "Uninstall plugin", body: <> Out of these plugins, which would you like to uninstall? {, i) => {item} ) } { name = v; }} style={{ marginTop: "10px" }} placeholder="Plugin name as written above" /> , confirmText: "Uninstall", confirmColor: Button.Colors.RED, async onConfirm() { if (!plugins.includes(name)) return;{ id: Toasts.genId(), message: `Uninstalling ${name}...`, type: Toasts.Type.MESSAGE }); try { await Native.deleteFolder(`${VesktopNative.fileManager.getVencordDir().replace("\\", "/")}/../src/userplugins/${name}`); await"\\", "/")); window.location.reload(); } catch { Toasts.pop(); return{ message: "Something bad has happened while deleting the plugin.", id: Toasts.genId(), type: Toasts.Type.FAILURE }); } } }); } } });