/* * Vencord, a Discord client mod * Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ import { ApplicationCommandInputType, Argument, CommandContext } from "@api/Commands"; import { gitHash } from "@shared/vencordUserAgent"; import { Devs } from "@utils/constants"; import { sendMessage } from "@utils/discord"; import definePlugin, { Plugin } from "@utils/types"; import { GuildMemberStore, UserStore } from "@webpack/common"; import { PluginMeta } from "~plugins"; import { isPluginDev, tryOrElse } from "@utils/misc"; import { findByCodeLazy } from "@webpack"; import { getUserSettingLazy } from "../../api/UserSettings.js"; import SettingsPlugin from "../../plugins/_core/settings"; const clientVersion = () => { const version = IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP ? DiscordNative.app.getVersion() : IS_VESKTOP ? VesktopNative.app.getVersion() : null; // @ts-ignore const name = IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP ? "Desktop" : IS_VESKTOP ? "Vesktop" : typeof unsafeWindow !== "undefined" ? "UserScript" : "Web"; return `${name}${version ? ` v${version}` : ''}`; }; const lines = `\ \n\ \tVV VV \t VV VV \t VV VV \t VV VV \t VVV \t CCCCCCC \t CC \t CC \t CC \t CCCCCCC\ `.split("\n"); const sanitised = `\ \n\ \tVV VV \t VV VV \t VV VV \t VV VV \t VVV \t CCCCCCC \t CC \t CC \t CC \t CCCCCCC\ `.split("\n"); // ```ansi // VV VV thepotatofamine // VV VV --------------- // VV VV Version: v1.10.5 • 88e8fa7e (Dev) - 25 Oct 2024 // VV VV Client: canary ~ Vesktop v1.5.3 // VVV Platform: MacIntel // CCCCCCC Plugin Count: 119 // CC Uptime: 1997s // CC Donor: yes // CC // CCCCCCC ███████████████████████████ // ```; const isApiPlugin = (plugin: Plugin) => plugin.name.endsWith("API") || plugin.required; function getEnabledPlugins() { const counters = { official: { enabled: 0, total: 0 }, user: { enabled: 0, total: 0 } }; Object.values(Vencord.Plugins.plugins).filter((plugin) => !isApiPlugin(plugin)).forEach((plugin) => { if (PluginMeta[plugin.name]?.userPlugin) { if (plugin.started) counters.user.enabled++; counters.user.total++; } else { if (plugin.started) counters.official.enabled++; counters.official.total++; } }); return `${counters.official.enabled} / ${counters.official.total} (official)` + (counters.user.total ? `, ${counters.user.enabled} / ${counters.user.total} (userplugins)` : ""); } function getDonorStatus() { return GuildMemberStore.getMember("1015060230222131221", UserStore.getCurrentUser().id).roles.includes("1042507929485586532"); } function getContribStatus() { const userId = UserStore.getCurrentUser().id; return isPluginDev(userId) || GuildMemberStore.getMember("1015060230222131221", userId).roles.includes("1026534353167208489"); } function humanFileSize(bytes, si = false, dp = 1) { const thresh = si ? 1000 : 1024; if (Math.abs(bytes) < thresh) { return bytes + " B"; } const units = si ? ["kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"] : ["KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"]; let u = -1; const r = 10 ** dp; do { bytes /= thresh; ++u; } while (Math.round(Math.abs(bytes) * r) / r >= thresh && u < units.length - 1); return bytes.toFixed(dp) + " " + units[u]; } const getVersions = findByCodeLazy("logsUploaded:new Date().toISOString(),"); const ShowCurrentGame = getUserSettingLazy("status", "showCurrentGame")!; export default definePlugin({ name: "venfetch", description: "neofetch for vencord", authors: [Devs.nin0dev], commands: [ { name: "venfetch", description: "neofetch for vencord", inputType: ApplicationCommandInputType.BUILT_IN, execute: (args: Argument[], ctx: CommandContext) => { const commonIssues = { "NoRPC": Vencord.Plugins.isPluginEnabled("NoRPC"), "disabled activities": tryOrElse(() => !ShowCurrentGame.getSetting(), false), "outdated": BUILD_TIMESTAMP < Date.now() - 12096e5, "likes java": ['287555395151593473', '886685857560539176', "728342296696979526"].includes(UserStore.getCurrentUser().id), }; const { username } = UserStore.getCurrentUser(); const versions = getVersions(); const info: Record = { version: `${VERSION} ~ ${gitHash}${SettingsPlugin.additionalInfo} - ${Intl.DateTimeFormat(navigator.language, { dateStyle: "medium" }).format(BUILD_TIMESTAMP)}${!IS_STANDALONE ? ` ~ dev` : ""}`, client: `${t(window.GLOBAL_ENV.RELEASE_CHANNEL)} ~ ${clientVersion()}`, 'Build Number': `${versions.buildNumber} ~ Hash: ${versions.versionHash?.slice(0, 7) ?? 'unknown'}`, issues: Object.entries(commonIssues).filter(([_, value]) => value).map(([key]) => key).join(", ") || '', _: null, // @ts-ignore platform: navigator.userAgentData?.platform ? `${navigator.userAgentData?.platform} (${navigator.platform})` : navigator.platform, plugins: getEnabledPlugins(), uptime: `${~~((Date.now() - window.GLOBAL_ENV.HTML_TIMESTAMP) / 1000)}s`, // TODO: add to native.ts // memory: `${humanFileSize(VencordNative.memoryUsage().heapUsed)} / ${humanFileSize(VencordNative.memoryUsage().heapTotal)}`, __: null, donor: getDonorStatus() ? "yes" : "no", contributor: getContribStatus() ? "yes" : "no", ___: null, __COLOR_TEST__: "███████████████████████████" // electron web context, want to get total memory usage }; const computed: [string, string | null][] = Object.entries(info).filter(([key, value]) => value === null || value!.length).map(([key, value]) => [key, value]); let str = ""; str += `${lines[0]}${" ".repeat(25 - lines[0].length)}${username}\n`; for (let i = 1; i < computed.length + 1; i++) { const line = computed[i - 1]; if (lines[i]) { str += `${lines[i]}`; if (line && line[1] !== null && line[0] !== "__COLOR_TEST__") str += `${" ".repeat(22 - sanitised[i].length)}${t(line[0])}: ${line[1]}\n`; else if (line[0] === "__COLOR_TEST__") str += line[0] + "\n"; else str += "\n"; } else { if (line && line[1] !== null && line[0] !== "__COLOR_TEST__") str += `\t${" ".repeat(22)}${t(line[0])}: ${line[1]}\n`; else if (line[0] === "__COLOR_TEST__") str += `${" ".repeat(25)}${line[1]}\n`; else str += "\n"; } } sendMessage(ctx.channel.id, { content: `\`\`\`ansi\n${str}\n\`\`\`` }); return; } } ] }); const t = (e: string) => e.length > 0 ? e[0].toUpperCase() + e.slice(1) : "";